AdrianaY said:
I am with a beautiful paraguyuan guy now and he is all man and knows how to please a woman...Also the men of Paraguay are the best of South America with coffee coloured skin and sensual features.
I just couldn't help replying to this one. Adriana, I don't know you, and I personally prefer Paraguay in many ways to Buenos Aires, but I just couldn't help myself on this, related to the "men" of Paraguay.
The War of the Triple Alliance, which ended in 1870 (if I remember correctly) was a war that Paraguay started because they wanted a sea port, being a land-locked country. They did pretty good to begin with fighting against Argentina, Uruguay and Brasil all at once. But the Triple Alliance wore them down and things went bad for the Paraguayans. Some estimate that as many as 90% of the male population of Paraguay was slaughtered because they refused to surrender.
The Paraguayan people, afterward, even went to the Pope to ask for special dispensation to allow men to have more than one wife to repopulate the country.
Imagine what a rare commodity a man over, say, 14 years and under 80 years must have been for quite some time in Paraguay.
I mention this because the Paraguayan men, for the most part, are actually quite spoiled little shit-heads (excuse my vulgarity, but it's appropriate) who have been pampered by the women of Paraguay for the last 140 years or so.
I have never seen a larger group of users in my life as I have Paraguayan men - for the most part. I know a number of them who are not like that, and certainly the upper classes are going to be a little more "normal" as far as that goes. But Paraguay is FULL of stories of men sitting at home, drinking beer, smacking the kids around and acting like a macho fool, while the wife is off working scrubbing sidewalks and floors for some rich owner for $50 USD a month.
If you're looking for a boy-toy, well, Paraguay might be the place to find one. But "all man" - wow.
BTW - the upper class is probably mostly Colorado Party members or Brasilian-descended families. Colorado ran Paraguay for 70 years (the longest in-power political party in modern history) and ran them into the ground and played off the ignorance and superstition of the lower class. If you are dating a guy from the upper class, chances are he thinks slavery is a good thing too
To clarify why I prefer Paraguay in many ways over Buenos Aires (not necessarily all of Argentina) it's because I'm not a city boy, I find Portenos to be rude on the whole, and Buenos Aires is a very expensive place for what you get. Asuncion in particular has many of the things you can find in many places around the world, is slower (I'm not one for nightlife, personally), not crammed full of buildings nearly every squzre meter and way cheaper. The people are friendlier as well.
I don't live there because my wife, being from the lower classes of Paraguay, refuses to go back and live there and put up with the (in many if not most cases) worthless men and the women who are stabbing each other in the back to get ahead because there are no opportunities in Paraguay for Paraguayans.
I do hope I'm not painting too bad a picture of Paraguay because it really is a nice place for the most part. It's just, like most countries, when you get to know it, it has its ugly side as well.
It's just - with the comment on men - well, let's say I know a LOT of Paraguayan women who never even had an orgasm until they came to Buenos Aires - they thought sex was all about servicing the man.