Any location for me to build a small house and prefer area or region rathe safe and closer
to the capital federal for me to visit at least once a week and having some fun for the Anciano!
I don't know what is happening with my lap top but have to type very slowly 'cause it does not show the letter typed ?
Meaning it misses some letter of the alphabet type? Typed, you see ?
And when I clic on the "quote" it won't let me quote, why is that ? Any advise how to fix this anomaly?
I don't know what is happening with my lap top but have to type very slowly 'cause it does not show the letter typed ?
Meaning it misses some letter of the alphabet type? Typed, you see ?
And when I clic on the "quote" it won't let me quote, why is that ? Any advise how to fix this anomaly?