This was all over the electronic news outlets a week or so ago. I think the Clarin broke it if I'm remembering correctly.
It's not just Vasquez that is getting out - this supposedly applies to all inmates.
What's particularly heinous about Vasquez' case is that he was not only allowed out once while in jail undergoing the prolonged trial, but 10 DAYS after his 18 year conviction. The excuse is "reintegration" into society. Even if that were the case, 10 days after the beginning of an 18-year sentence hardly seems justified to begin reintegration.
Also, the prosecutor reportedly asked for a life sentence, but the judge decided 18 years was enough because Vasquez was enraged during the murder, even though supposedly there was evidence it wasn't necessarily a spur of the moment act.
Both times he was let out to go to a "cultural" event put on by Vatayon Militante (Militant Battalion), a group that supports Cristina heavily. He was allowed to play officially with his group for the two times he went out.
He was seen with other prisoners who have ties with Vatayon Militante on both occasions. He's definitely not the only one being let out.
I didn't see specifically in any of the articles I've read, but it appears that only criminals who have Peronist/Kirchnerist ties are being let out under this program. That is certainly the opinion of my Argentine friend who pointed these out to me to begin with. It's supposed to apply to all prisoners.
There was also an article I read (can't find now) that argued the jails are being used for recruiting into Vatayon Militante.
Cristina has indeed supported this. I can't find the article I originally read, but here's one I found with a quick search:
Everyone officially commenting from the government, including Cristina, comments that all permissions to leave prison for day trips (although some have been overnight) have been approved by judges under legal authority. They all deny that the prisoners attend any political rallies - they are all cultural events.
The events talking about Vasquez specifically are full of Kirchnerista propoganda.
It goes beyond just Argentina's penal system if this "law" for the release of prisoners on day passes for reintegration is only used to support "cultural events" put on to support Cristina politically. Not to mention if the recruitment of "soldiers" for Vatayon Militante is being done in prisons, giving those prisoners special benefits like being classed political instead of criminal (another article I read claimed that - including Vasquez).
The Argentinos I know are outraged by this and say it's evidence that Cristina is marshaling an army of sorts. I know some are going to roll their eyes, but these Argentinos have compared groups like Vatayon Militante to Hitler's Brown Shirts/Storm Troopers.
Keep an eye out everyone - the things Cristina is doing only make sense (if you assume she and her advisers are not complete imbeciles) if she continues to stay in power in some fashion and keep things moving her way...