Campaign Watch

I have named some countries where the ethics in the media are more developed in my post (see above). But even if the majority of the world had no ethics in media or if was not even "one country" where this is less likely to happen - would it consequently mean that it was ok for the media here to do it? I think not. I would still criticize it.
Yes, it is deplorable and two wrongs don't make a right - but in war (and politics is war fought by other means, although often without bloodshed) ideal morals has little influence.
Now that you mention my country of origin, I can assure you that neither press codex nor ethics framework demand that the media publish within a certain time frame.
Ok as you are more familiar with the ethics in the media there - then take Denmark of the list.
Didnt know about that list. But anyways, 5 nobel prizes its fine, is the first Univeersity in Latin America that appears in that list.

So we're lowering our standards again? First it was no poverty/unemployment/lots of nobel prizes, now it's "Well compared to Latin America/what it was..." Argentina isn't a terrible country, I mean I obviously moved here. It's just not a first world country like so many Argies like to believe.
Ok as you are more familiar with the ethics in the media there - then take Denmark of the list.
Can we please see some documentation of press codices and/or ethics framework in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc. demanding that unpleasant news for government or political candidates, etc. are published within a certain time window?
See my other post. And who are you to tell me that I do not understand the role of media in a democracy?

I didn't say you didn't understand the role of media (actually should be saying "free press" which is, as I mentioned, directly related to freedom of speech which SHOULD be guaranteed by a government) in a democracy, I said I didn't think you did (my opinion, which I am welcome to have).

In my opinion, you made statements that don't track, related to the role of press in a democracy. If I misunderstood your statements, feel free to correct me. Referring to the posts of yours which I have already read does nothing to change my opinion, or, apparently, the opinion of many others in this thread.

I'm not saying I think you are wrong about what you want from the press, but rather how to go about getting it (i.e., the press shouldn't be forced to present any information at any time).
I agree. No question about publishing those stories in general. I am sure they could fill a few weekend editions with just those kind of stories (from all parts of the political spectrum). And this is probably not only an Argentinian or Latin American problem. Legislators of various western democracies have rights similar to diplomatic immunity and police can't do anything. I am sure there are some interesting stories that never got published here (google "congress immunity" to get an idea). So again nothing wrong with publishing it and nothing wrong with selling ads to generate revenue. It is the timing and the ethics that I am concerned about.
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