Clarin enters the dictatorsship being a simply newspaper, selling 300,000 per day, La nacion was bigger, and even Cronica, who used to sell 800,000 in 1975 was more important.
After dictatorship, those numbers magically inverted, Clarin 800,000 and Cronica 300,000, and it6 was a stronger Clarin, with more pages, more publicity, more important. Then, in the 80s, Clarin ended Alfonisn governemnt. In the 90s, they got Canal 13, Radio Mitre and a loooooooooooooot of radios and Tv channels from the interior. Cablevision became monopoly. They had the football, automovilismo, and a large etc. Before the fight with the Ks, they wanted and made lobby to get Telecom. They have HUGE political power, they are mafia, they ccompete with the government for who has more power. The ley de medios could not be morre tidy, approved by both cameras, dictated in 2009, and still vant be applicated. The government is elected by people, thats how we control them, and Clarin?