Campaign Watch

See my other post. And who are you to tell me that I do not understand the role of media in a democracy?
This is a debate, and we are airing different points of views, one may be that you don't have a clue to the role of media in a democracy, another can be that I don't, or e.g. ElQueso doesn't have a clue on the subject.
So we're lowering our standards again? First it was no poverty/unemployment/lots of nobel prizes, now it's "Well compared to Latin America/what it was..." Argentina isn't a terrible country, I mean I obviously moved here. It's just not a first world country like so many Argies like to believe.

I never said we were. I too tink Argentina is decadent if we compare to the beggining of the century, or even to the 60s, but the last 30 years we turned into another country. Too many changes, too fast, and the only time I feel corporations are not governning me is in this last 10 years. Furthermore, that corporations are against the people I feel they govern me. They have a lot of power, Clarin for example, ended a lot of governments, were best allies to the dictatorship, murdered to get Papel Prensa, and a long etc. For the ones to believe them...
Nice, but "Are you willing to take a bet on" it?
I don't read pagina 12 - so I would rather not take any bets. But with p12 being a K-news-outlet I would be more likely to bet on that they would do such a thing (as I would with any other party news outlet). From a serious media company I would expect more professionalism, though. And again I think there is nothing wrong with a privately owned company making money from such a story.
I never said we were. I too tink Argentina is decadent if we compare to the beggining of the century, or even to the 60s, but the last 30 years we turned into another country. Too many changes, too fast, and the only time I feel corporations are not governning me is in this last 10 years. Furthermore, that corporations are against the people I feel they govern me. They have a lot of power, Clarin for example, ended a lot of governments, were best allies to the dictatorship, murdered to get Papel Prensa, and a long etc. For the ones to believe them...

Look, you're talking to a socialist here, I hate big evil corporations as much as the next guy/gal. You're changing the subject, we're saying it doesn't matter when the media Clarín or any other one brings up an article or news they want to, it's their right, and to force them to do things according to the government's preferred schedule of time would be un democratic.

In somewhat related news, has anyone seen the wikipedia page for Clarín? Written by Google Translate wielding Campora much?

Roberto Noble died in 1969, and his widow Ernestina Herrera de Noble succeeded him as director. The newspaper bought Papel Prensa in 1977, together with La Nación and La Razón. The owner of Papel Prensa resulted dead in 1976 after a Doubtful Accident, and his family was tortured by the military forces with one objective: the dictatorial illegitimate government was related with Clarin's owner and she wanted to buy Papel Prensa, that way the newspaper would become the largest circulated in the Country, and it would be used by the military forces to control the public opinion. With that objective in mind, the family of the dead owner of Papel Prensa was tortured until finally selling[sup][[/sup][sup]citation needed[/sup][sup]][/sup].
Clarin enters the dictatorsship being a simply newspaper, selling 300,000 per day, La nacion was bigger, and even Cronica, who used to sell 800,000 in 1975 was more important.
After dictatorship, those numbers magically inverted, Clarin 800,000 and Cronica 300,000, and it6 was a stronger Clarin, with more pages, more publicity, more important. Then, in the 80s, Clarin ended Alfonisn governemnt. In the 90s, they got Canal 13, Radio Mitre and a loooooooooooooot of radios and Tv channels from the interior. Cablevision became monopoly. They had the football, automovilismo, and a large etc. Before the fight with the Ks, they wanted and made lobby to get Telecom. They have HUGE political power, they are mafia, they ccompete with the government for who has more power. The ley de medios could not be morre tidy, approved by both cameras, dictated in 2009, and still vant be applicated. The government is elected by people, thats how we control them, and Clarin?
This is a debate, and we are airing different points of views, one may be that you don't have a clue to the role of media in a democracy, another can be that I don't, or e.g. ElQueso doesn't have a clue on the subject.
While we have different opinions on the topic discussed here - I would never go so far an tell somebody who does not agree with me that they do not understand the role of the media in a democracy or any other political system.
While we have different opinions on the topic discussed here - I would never go so far an tell somebody who does not agree with me that they do not understand the role of the media in a democracy or any other political system.
It takes all kinds to make a world. Debating is not for the timid :)
The ley de medios could not be morre tidy, approved by both cameras, dictated in 2009, and still vant be applicated. The government is elected by people, thats how we control them, and Clarin?
Parts of the media law seem to be contrary to the constitution of Argentina, thus illegal.