Campaign Watch

Hi Ejcot, I love the amado bouludou pic! So's very sobering & jolting!
Did anyone else see this gem? According to Senator Filmus (our very own for those of us in CABA) 58+25+16+16=100. It's like looking at
a FOX "News" chart. I think I was saying 2 days ago that the Ks want us to believe 1+1=3? Well, we're getting there. The worst part is
most computer chart makers wont let you do this (hence the disproportionate pie slices) accidentally so who knows whats going on.
The FpV is just going off course without Dear Leader. Like a slow train wreck, except you don't want to help in this case, so stare.


Link to TN article
LA NAcion newspaper has posted this on their website's the full unedited version of the original video...all 17 minutes of it , from start to finish. This video slams the case shut, Cabandie was more than just insulting & aggressive, he acted like a downright condescending a$$hole. In this full version he's seen getting out of the car to continue his verbal aggression against the young female parking inspector. More aggression and more bad behavior, not less. All those Cabandie sympathizers hoping for a better image of this character will be sorely disappointed watching this COMPLETE and UNEDITED video.

I have heard the split desribed as Peronists vs Rural Society too. Either way Massa is under the peronist banner for sure, Macri sits less clearly under the radical/rural society banner.

Massa comes from UCEDE (Local right close to the military and pro Us) He is an infiltrated.
Macri created the PRO with some retired military involved in the last dictadura. But he is anti-peronist. He is also on the right.
Both are allied with the Rural, Clarin and Moyano.
There is not big difference between them, probably the only one is that Massa believes in democracy, Macri doesn't.
Boudou and Isurralde also comes from the UCEDE:ón_del_Centro_Democrático_(Argentina)