Campaign Watch

Massa comes from UCEDE (Local right close to the military and pro Us) He is an infiltrated.
Macri created the PRO with some retired military involved in the last dictadura. But he is anti-peronist. He is also on the right.
Both are allied with the Rural, Clarin and Moyano.
There is not big difference between them, probably the only one is that Massa believes in democracy, Macri doesn't.
Boudou and Isurralde also comes from the UCEDE:

YEP! Just like Filmus - 115% PURE TRUTH!
My theory is that Cristina's true health condition is being withheld.
I don't see her completing her mandate and they know this.
There's a fair bit of position jockeying going on, most of which may not be visible.
They know that Sunday will be Sunday Bloody Sunday and the recent utterances of Insurralde are 'We're not so much the bad guys as you people think' is just electioneering and will be long forgotten once they get back into harness, albeit with less mandated power.
has the most in Latin America...

btw: you have any idea of how much money the Macri group got in the last dictatorship? pretty much as Clarin!!
Has campaigning stopped already?
It's been pretty mute in my neck of the woods this week compared to the primaries.
Has campaigning stopped already?
Yes. AFAIK It is forbidden to run the campaign too close to the election.

It seems to have been midnight 24th/25th October: "Los candidatos a las elecciones legislativas del domingo en Argentina cerraron ayer una campaña atípica, marcada por la ausencia de la presidenta"

AFAIR it is also impossible to buy alcoholics on the Sunday of the election, so people buy a lot in advance.
Campaigning closed last night - estamos en veda electoral. Standby for waves of newby expats to flood this site asking where they can get alcohol. I'm more worried about how I will get through the weekend without being able to read the comments section of La Nación.
Campaigning closed last night - estamos en veda electoral. Standby for waves of newby expats to flood this site asking where they can get alcohol. I'm more worried about how I will get through the weekend without being able to read the comments section of La Nación.
Ah yes, the alcohol! I remember having the wine bottle hidden under the table while dining in a restaurant in Bariloche a few years ago ...