Right, this game is pretty stupid, even for the UBA Campora online wing. So, every company who made any money in the years of the dictatorship now has to do what exactly? Never do business again? Leave the country? Honestly, the dictatorship ended 30 years ago, you would need to make some small effort to get past defining everyone who is not in the Campora circus as "neo-liberal" or "militaristic", based on what their fathers did 30 years ago? It smakcs of loosing the argument.
Come on. It is childishly weak to accuse a party who are working democratically in a city govt and who fully support the institutions of the state as being military dictators. Honestly, the standard of debate is inane sometimes when it comes to discussing anyone outside of the FpV.
I am going to regret asking this, but..name me one PRO policy which is vaguely anti-democratic? Or, are we supposed to believe that in the unlikely event Macri was made president that the tanks would roll down 9 de Juilio? Is that seriously what you are suggesting?
Can we get past political innuendo and deal in facts here?