Campaign Watch

Campaigning closed last night - estamos en veda electoral. Standby for waves of newby expats to flood this site asking where they can get alcohol. I'm more worried about how I will get through the weekend without being able to read the comments section of La Nación.
So you have already bought a few boxes of gin, rhum, cognac, whisky, etc.? :rolleyes:
Yes, I'm actually a teetotaller but two days without the comments of the blessed readers of La Nación... it's going to be tough.
has the most in Latin America...

btw: you have any idea of how much money the Macri group got in the last dictatorship? pretty much as Clarin!!

Right, this game is pretty stupid, even for the UBA Campora online wing. So, every company who made any money in the years of the dictatorship now has to do what exactly? Never do business again? Leave the country? Honestly, the dictatorship ended 30 years ago, you would need to make some small effort to get past defining everyone who is not in the Campora circus as "neo-liberal" or "militaristic", based on what their fathers did 30 years ago? It smakcs of loosing the argument.

Come on. It is childishly weak to accuse a party who are working democratically in a city govt and who fully support the institutions of the state as being military dictators. Honestly, the standard of debate is inane sometimes when it comes to discussing anyone outside of the FpV.

I am going to regret asking this, me one PRO policy which is vaguely anti-democratic? Or, are we supposed to believe that in the unlikely event Macri was made president that the tanks would roll down 9 de Juilio? Is that seriously what you are suggesting?

Can we get past political innuendo and deal in facts here?
Right, this game is pretty stupid, even for the UBA Campora online wing. So, every company who made any money in the years of the dictatorship now has to do what exactly? Never do business again? Leave the country? Honestly, the dictatorship ended 30 years ago, you would need to make some small effort to get past defining everyone who is not in the Campora circus as "neo-liberal" or "militaristic", based on what their fathers did 30 years ago? It smakcs of loosing the argument.

Come on. It is childishly weak to accuse a party who are working democratically in a city govt and who fully support the institutions of the state as being military dictators. Honestly, the standard of debate is inane sometimes when it comes to discussing anyone outside of the FpV.

I am going to regret asking this, me one PRO policy which is vaguely anti-democratic? Or, are we supposed to believe that in the unlikely event Macri was made president that the tanks would roll down 9 de Juilio? Is that seriously what you are suggesting?

Can we get past political innuendo and deal in facts here?

Im not saying Macris party is antidemocratic. I worked for Pro and know a lot of people there, they are trully democratic. So nada que ver. Im saying his origins are linked with the dictatorship, thats the way they made fortunes. Thats all.

If you re one of the enterprizes that negotiates the most with a dictatorial anti constitutional repressive government I believe you are not innocent. If you are the one that have got more beneffits from that regime, that multiplied the debt for six without consulting anyone, that regimen that kidnapped, robbed babies and killed, and make a lot of dirty bussiness, you re accomplice.
You see, I was right there with you until you started talking about war crimes committed by the state which the macri group had nothing to do with. In the real world that is called "smearing" , I don't believe they were involved in those evil crimes at all.

Again, I ask you directly, do you believe that all companies who were active in Argentina in the late 70s and 80s should be removed from the Argentine market?

Or are you only smearing those associated with political opponents?
You see, I was right there with you until you started talking about war crimes committed by the state which the macri group had nothing to do with. In the real world that is called "smearing" , I don't believe they were involved in those evil crimes at all.

Again, I ask you directly, do you believe that all companies who were active in Argentina in the late 70s and 80s should be removed from the Argentine market?

Or are you only smearing those associated with political opponents?

I believe that there are A LOT of companies that were accomplices with the last dictatorship, as it were with the nazism. I suppose the grade of responsibility varies, it goes from the ones that negotiated with the state, to the ones that put pressure on the state to take debt or simply nationalizate their (private) debt. Or even the ones who colaborated with argentine gestapo to kidnap workers, like Mercedes Benz. There are a lot of people who won with that government. A lot. But then, they hide with a democratic facade, working their image, hiding their interests of those days and presenting themselves like if they were against antoconstitutional government, well, every government governates for somebody, it is always like that, the thing is its no convenient for this people to accept that.