Campaign Watch

I'm glad the video got released during the campaign, that way people can hold a referendum on whether they view this as appropriate behavior from two
men who want to be trusted with public office and power.

Is part of the media biased? Damn straight, but if you still think of supporting the FpV after like this than who is the real sleaze?

What we know is a woman was just trying to do her job and that scumbag wanted to strike the fear of the FpV in to her for DARING
to subjugate him to the laws all people, including us non-citizens must follow while operating a motor vehicle. When he couldn't
he turns to Cristina's puppet and guess what happens? Poor lady is out of a job for trying to do it.

This is the Ks in all their corrupt, nepotistic, abuse of office glory : Do as I say, not as I do.

Am I the only one who wouldn't be surprised to lear that Scioli's hands are in this somehow?
actually, the gendarme also broke the law by taping it and selling it to the media. And the media waited 6 months to show it, so they are not innocent. You should know, the media is a political actor, as it is the government, as it are the unions, as it were the militars. They are a political actor, they have interests, they are not innocent. And they are of course corrupted as it is Cabandie.

BTW did you notice how edited the video is? Did you noitice it starts when the disscusssion has already started?

The media is not elected.

The government is elected.

Who should we expect better standards from? The media are in this case innocent of any crime, Cabandie is guilty. Pretty black and white, still, it is interesting to see what the Campora playbook is in regard to this one.

Standard Campora responses:

1. Disassociate from the govt (I am not a K, but...)This allows room for the initial criticism of obviously moronic or illegal policies.
2. Express disapproval of the event in question
3. Turn the argument on it's head by mentioning stuff that other people did and then deflect deflect deflect.

Your goal is as ever to find some shared blame, to take some blame away from the government or the individual in question. Also, bonus points if you can associate any of the opposition with the Evil Magnetto. Throw in some terms "neo Liberals" or "the Right" which needn't be explained or justified. Once questioned repeat step 3.

Edifying stuff.

Really, if you can't see the difference in an elected public official abusing his position and getting a transport official fired and a media group releasing a story at an opportune moment then I would be very concerned that your moral compass has been bent completely out of shape by the rigours of "the Project".

Hasta la victoria.....regardless of whichever hapless unfortunate happens to ask us for insurance documents along the way! Great letter from another child of the disappeared in La Nacion today. Ignore the article, just take some time to read the letter and reflect.
That doesn't make any sense. I don't think you understand the claim you are making, and if you do you should be ashamed.

Who broke the law here? The media releasing the story at a time of maximum exposure are doing their job. You might not like that they chose to inflict damage at election time, but their readers do and it is completely legal.
I agree with Matias. If they media would do their job as "independent media" they would have reported about it when it happened. Releasing it now before the elections proves that they have an agenda.
Gentlemen, I have to say that I agree with both of you!

Matiasba is quite right in the sense that the only time the film was "news" was when it was new: the day it occurred. It's been held back until now by a calculated decision of people who think that "libertad de prensa" means the right of the powerful to manipulate public opinion in favour of hidden agendas that are always kept hidden from mere citizens.

My countryman Dublin2BuenosAires is right in the sense that the camera doesn't lie: what it demonstrates, irrefutably in my opinion, is that Cabandié is a jerk: an arrogant man with a chip on his shoulder who is unfit for public office.

I say this without any political axe to grind - I think Cabandié's running mate Filmus is an interesting and eloquent man who I can't imagine acting in that manner. For Kitchnerites, I think the lessen should be that being the son of 'desaparecidos' is not good enough in itself; also in other cases besides ths one, they need to have a longer, harder look at their candidate selection in my opinon...
I agree with Matias. If they media would do their job as "independent media" they would have reported about it when it happened. Releasing it now before the elections proves that they have an agenda.

Of course they do, to gain maximum exposure, which in my humble opinion is something this nation desperately needs: do we want these types of people running the country?
Thanks to 'Fred Flinstone', Kabandie has been exposed ! ha ha ha! Now Cristina's only hope at the elections has also been exposed 'with his pants down' for korruption with a capital K.
Just to clarify, 11.30am yesterday I first posted the video link (same video link posted by RBound today) about this growing scandal that involved MArtin Insaurralde, and here's the main points to consider.
  • On a Friday night in May this year (I forgot the exact month), Abandie get's stopped in a routine traffic inspection & is caught on video verbally abusing a 22yr old traffic inspector named Belen..
  • The 22 yr old traffic inspector is fired on the 1 of Aug.
  • Before Sunday night's Lanata's PPT, Abandie, in the video, is seen & heard making a mobile tel call asking for a 'Martin', for the purpose of punishing the young 22yr old traffic officer.
  • Abandie continues to deny that he was contacting Martin Insurralde in his first round of interviews prior to Sunday night.
  • On Lanata's Sunday night PPT program another part of the same video SURFACES but in this other section of the same original video Cabandie is heard saying MArtin Insaurraldes' full name..this is where the plot thickens. This is the significant moment where we see that not only was Cabandie lying about not calling MArtin Insaurralde, but that Insaurralde, Cristina's star presidential candidate, 'COULD BE' involved .
  • Insaurralde first attempts to DENY his involvement but after a few hours he is finally forced to admit that he actually SACKED the young officer, but that he only had her dismissed for other reasons and NOT cause of CAbandie's request. Apparently it is alleged that Belen took time off to have coffee in a service station.. but it is not clear why, it appears that at the time of Cabandie's phone request he was fishing for some excuse to have her fired.
  • The very next day straight after the Cabandie was stopped (a Saturday) the young traffic officer received a call from the Insaurralde's office asking & fishing to find out the names of the person/s involved in the incident who originally filmed the controversial video but Belen doesn't give up any names or clues.
  • Today the opposition has filed papers in the courts, charging both Cabandie & Martin Insaurralde with "abuse of Authority", but here's the usual stumbling block...the Judge who's been assigned the case is a K judge! It will be shelved....ARRRGGGGHHH!!!
So that's a rough outline so's growing by the hour, yesterday was a perfect day for a scandal....everyone was relaxing & had time to chat & we can sit back and watch how this sad comedy unravels.
Of course they do, to gain maximum exposure, which in my humble opinion is something this nation desperately needs: do we want these types of people running the country?
They would have had the same exposure a few months ago. But the effect on the elections would not have been the same. The job of the media is to inform so people can make their own decisions and not to schedule the release of news in such a way that it impacts elections in favor of their political allies. But unfortunately this is nothing new in latin america. Another good example is Televisa in Mexico. Candidates with Televisa backing have won elections for the past decades, while videos showing the other candidates in an unfavorable way surfaced and got aired aired in the news shortly before the elections.
What are you people talking about regarding "the job of the media"

Who gave them this job and which rules are they given to play by?

Get real, the media is a business. They are not elected or appointed. I am astounded that anyone would look for equivalence here? Madness.

So a whistleblower broke the rules to release some information which is of great interest to the public. Good I say, they should be comended.

So a media organisation exposed corruption by ensuring they got maximum exposure? Excellent, is it not admirable that we expose our politicians when they are corrupt as publically as possible.

Terrible double standards at play here pointing fingers at the media, I can't follow the argument that they should release the story immediately. Why? Under what legal or moral compulsion ? Is it less corrupt of an act because it was a few months ago?
With all the wasted public tax funds spent on purchasing & amassing the K propaganda media machine by the corrupt K Government, futbol para todos/canal 7/canal9/cable channels and all the wholesale corruption BAEZ/Once/JAimE/ etc etc etc...WHO CARES IF THE VIDEO WAS RELEASED IN SUCH A TIMELY MOMENT JUST BEFORE THE ELECTIONS???? ....I don't think they should be given any help to win again. Especially when we consider that until three days ago they still had a chance. ..not now.

Let them swallow a bit of their own medicine I say.

WHY PLAY FAIR with A NARKO K MAFIA that CHEATS, LIES, STEALS, EMBEZZLES, THREATENS, PERSECUTES, MURDERS & blocks all investigations against itself ?
Its not like is better than the past, is the better we have had since the dictatorship!! (40 years)

and what has to do Im a UBA student? UBA had 5 Nobel prizes, which university of the world has that?

quite a few.