Campaign Watch

Matias, whilst I admire your defence of the Kirchner regime and of course you're entitled to your views, I can't help thinking that you've fallen for their clever tricks.
To say that they have lifted so many from the poverty trap is naive to say the least.
Matias, whilst I admire your defence of the Kirchner regime and of course you're entitled to your views, I can't help thinking that you've fallen for their clever tricks.
To say that they have lifted so many from the poverty trap is naive to say the least.

My maid, Viviana, used to be a cartonera back in 2001. She was a homeless, with 7 kids and with no other income than hers cause her husband has abandonned her. There were times when she didnt eat -to give them food. She was all day in the streets.

This government gave her a 2 bedrooms house, with a big kitchen, with a garden, with a heat, free gas, free water, free electricity. She does not pay a peso for what she consumes. In February 2010, a great storm flew up her roof, and again were the government people the ones who solved it. The kids have grown up, they all finished primary school, something unexpected years ago. She has good jobs now, as a maid, and she has Asignacion Universal por Hijo. Two of her daughters, GET PAID to assist a photography course, or manualidades/artesanías, yes you read well, they get 400 pesos (a lot to poor people) to study. And in their neighbourhood.
So they passed from a homeless cartonera with a lot of problems to a family in a house, with their kids being educated, and a plus of some courses.

[This siutuation it might be changing the last month due all the things she gets from their jobs, Beds, sofas, clothes, a ot of things people give her, and the social assistant tell her shes not anymore a poor, so she wont be getting more beneffits]
My theory is that Cristina's true health condition is being withheld.
I don't see her completing her mandate and they know this.
There's a fair bit of position jockeying going on, most of which may not be visible.
They know that Sunday will be Sunday Bloody Sunday and the recent utterances of Insurralde are 'We're not so much the bad guys as you people think' is just electioneering and will be long forgotten once they get back into harness, albeit with less mandated power.
Who is going to be the HMFIC:|en&tbb=1&ie=UTF-8
My maid, Viviana, used to be a cartonera back in 2001. She was a homeless, with 7 kids and with no other income than hers cause her husband has abandonned her. There were times when she didnt eat -to give them food. She was all day in the streets.

This government gave her a 2 bedrooms house, with a big kitchen, with a garden, with a heat, free gas, free water, free electricity. She does not pay a peso for what she consumes. In February 2010, a great storm flew up her roof, and again were the government people the ones who solved it. The kids have grown up, they all finished primary school, something unexpected years ago. She has good jobs now, as a maid, and she has Asignacion Universal por Hijo. Two of her daughters, GET PAID to assist a photography course, or manualidades/artesanías, yes you read well, they get 400 pesos (a lot to poor people) to study. And in their neighbourhood.
So they passed from a homeless cartonera with a lot of problems to a family in a house, with their kids being educated, and a plus of some courses.

[This siutuation it might be changing the last month due all the things she gets from their jobs, Beds, sofas, clothes, a ot of things people give her, and the social assistant tell her shes not anymore a poor, so she wont be getting more beneffits]

But they are still basically poor. The question is, will they progress into the middle class? That should be the goal, and the goal should also be that they become self sufficient and pay for their electricity and basic necessities. No one is questioning if people that are poor should be helped. The question is, how can this issue be solved at the root? There are not easy answers. I do not believe that the policies used by this current government will really help the poor escape poverty in the long term. I hope they do, but I am extremely skeptical.
But they are still basically poor. The question is, will they progress into the middle class? That should be the goal, and the goal should also be that they become self sufficient and pay for their electricity and basic necessities. No one is questioning if people that are poor should be helped. The question is, how can this issue be solved at the root? There are not easy answers. I do not believe that the policies used by this current government will really help the poor escape poverty in the long term. I hope they do, but I am extremely skeptical.

I totally agree that this is not the real solution, that planes sociales are not the final solution, that what this people need is quality jobs, en blanco, with social beneffits and obra social and stuff. But you have an idea of how insanely difficult is that? to create these sources? Not by chance a first world country like Spain has 27% of unemployment, not by chance it costs sooo much to a state create jobs. So yeah, these are patches, transitorial solutions. But it helps a lot.
What Tex said ^^
It's all too short term and tactics used in order to garner more votes.
If you ask Viviana, will she say that she worships the ground CFK walks on?
For truly that is the desired effect.
And Matias, if you wish to label me cynical (which you haven't), you'd be right.