Gauchobeat said:
Thanks for all these responses! I'm stll really unsure about what to do as I'm getting rather nervous about going through, even though most people seem to be saying it will be fine. I wonder if anyone actually knows what the penalty would be if, for example, you had an extra 8,000 USD over the limit? Do they just charge you tax on the excess or do you think they could confiscate the lot???
If you are stopped upon US entrance with more than allowed total of 10K USD in any fiat form and did not declare it, they will take you into a little room for questioning, confiscate the entire amount and set up a court date for you. Mainly, because you lied on the forms when asked---not checking the correct box. Then you must plead your case. Court dates, lawyers, fines for lying on custom forms, etc. Probably get back 10k but fined and possible record. Nightmare if you are busted! X-rays also pick up money wads in carry on and if they ask to frisk you or body scan, they can see it. And customs can be shrewd, they know every trick in the book and heard every story possible.
Also be aware on arrival, when departing plane and at luggage area they can have money sniffing dogs trained to smell the ink on printed paper money. Don't want to scare you, it is what it is.
It is a crap shoot. Have done it many times myself (way way above the limit) and have not yet been stopped. I have been lucky. Never know when it might be my turn.
But for 8k more, just declare it.They will question you about it--and if it is a good reason --etc, sale of possessions,(have some receipts) and moving back to states or whatever, most likely will be no problem. They are looking
for the big money guys.
If you are nervous, they are more likely to notice. Best to use Western Union or what others have suggested.
Up to you. Maybe it will go well, maybe not.
Good luck