Cell Phone Question

Stupid question: did you try with the area code: 011 15 #### #### ?

Can anyone else call you and it works?

How long ago did you activate it?
Can your home phone make calls to cellular phones? Assuming you are renting from someone, they often block calls to cell phones. What does the operator say when you try to call?
I don`t know if it will help: sometimes, depending on the company, you have to change the first numbers. For example, let`s say the number is 12345678, if it`s a Movistar, you usually call 15-12345678 but if it`s a Personal, you call 011-12345678 and not use the 15 in the beginning at all. With both at the same time (011-15) it might not work.
Maybe you can call or send a message to a friend and see how your number appears.