Cfk Leggings Cause Uproar In Political Act...!!

She's pretty, in an almost literal She-Devil Wears Prada sort of way.

It's too bad Maximo isn't sexy, Maybe physical beauty skips a generation or so. Nestor was handsome but he could be my grandpa so
no thanks.
She's pretty, in an almost literal She-Devil Wears Prada sort of way.

It's too bad Maximo isn't sexy, Maybe physical beauty skips a generation or so. Nestor was handsome but he could be my grandpa so
no thanks.

A book on Maximo K is shortly to be released ( After the Elections).... the title

Given your own (lack of) literacy, I can only chuckle to read what you have posted.

You know a few words of spanish and you think you are an expert on Argentina and Latin America . How can you write on a country and profess to be an expert when you cannot even speak the language . As I have said before your books are for nieve and gullible expats certainly no argentinians of any class would read them .
You know a few words of spanish and you think you are an expert on Argentina and Latin America . How can you write on a country and profess to be an expert when you cannot even speak the language . As I have said before your books are for nieve and gullible expats certainly no argentinians of any class would read them .

Hablo el idioma fluidamente, y reconozco la diferencia entre "nieve" y "ingenuo." Y reconozco a una boba cuando me contesta.
Hablo el idioma fluidamente, y reconozco la diferencia entre "nieve" y "ingenuo." Y reconozco a una boba cuando me contesta.

I am sure that your argentinian wife wrote this for you :). Tell her that she has a pelutodo for a husband .. Have a nice day
I am sure that your argentinian wife wrote this for you :). Tell her that she has a pelutodo for a husband .. Have a nice day
Pelutodo?I think it merits a clarification here, you mean, _Pelotudo, as big balls,grande cojones, as pelota or in a different way saying, Boludo...Or Pelotudo,saludo a la gran pelota argentina, he he he !
Nestor, handsome? Really?
And anyone would look beautiful next to Alicia Kirchner.