To use Brian Keenan's words "Between a rock and a hard place."
I've been living here for six years, run my own business, get paid in pesos, am in the afip radar, have permanent res/ dni etc etc.
My lady partner is Arg who has a son and we all live together in relative peace.
There are many things I like about Argentina and personally speaking, I have met very few Argentine assholes.
I have always found them to be polite in the extreme, although there are always exceptions just like anywhere.
Yes, we have been robbed, twice at gunpoint in our shop and several times our car has been turned over in leafy Olivos.
I don't think I could ever call BsAs home as such, but it's where I am now by choice and with the woman I love.
We've discussed moving to the UK and we would if we could do it. It's a hard call too, as then the entire picture changes. I'm 'home', she's not. We also have her son to think about.
I can put up with the crap on the pavements and shoddy service etc, son boludeses, but I can't take much more of the 'fear factor', if it should occur again. Especially as it's in my character to fight back.
I find that going back to your own country from time to time, puts a great deal into perspective. I can barely afford it, but I'm going later in the year. Eyes wide open.