Chicasbondi? Invasion Of Privacy?

Im a girl and perfectly fine with it. In fact i used to look at that page sometimes when i was bored and avoiding studying or other useful stuff i was supposed to do. It gives me the feeling of the normal life in BsAs, unlike another grand picture of the obelisco. As a girl i wouldnt mind so much either to be posted on there, it shows girls in the same way as everyone on the bus with them can see them. The pictures are not all taken by the same guy i think, people were allowed to send in photos, so i suppose they all have the same taste then, or girls in BsAs look very similar (i think both are true to some extend). And the stalker issue... I suppose if youre stalking a girl it wouldnt take too long to figure out where she lives, and which busses she takes everyday at the same hour, you dont need a picture for that. And if you see a girl in the pictures youd like to stalk, then you wouldnt have any idea if she takes that bus regularly, where she gets on or off, and which one of the 100 busses that pass by per hour, and not even the hour she takes it. So i find that a bit unlikely, but who knows, maybe im just naive? Ive had more trouble with real men, being really annoying, in real situations, on real busses, when i was the real girl, not the one from the picture.