Reddit Creepshots is disgusting and makes me want to vomit, but at the very least it has never pretended to be something that it's not. Chicas Bondi poses as an art project, when really, it's just taking pictures of young, conventionally attractive women without their permission, and then posting them online for the mostly male Facebook fans to get off to. Read the comments, if you can stand it. Most are not exactly critiquing the composition of the photographs. It's a cheap, pervy, wannabe Humans of New York. (Although apparently now there is Humans of Buenos Aires...For all the famous porteño creativity in such an inspiring city, where is the originality?)
Found this:
"It's tempting: I have just taken a look at the Facebook page but I don't see a lot women I find particularly attractive, most of them are too young, and even apart from age, I have seen much more beautiful women every day in Buenos Aires. Well, let's not get us started about taste."
Yes, please, let us not get started with discussing the beauty or lack thereof that Argentine women possess/don't possess, as if they were cattle and not human beings. Yogur griego, you (and many other forum members who discuss such things to death) are part of the problem and the sad part is you probably don't even realize it. Most don't...