Invasion Of The Mosquitos


Apr 7, 2011
Hey y'all :)

So there seems to be a swarm of mosquitos that has taken over the city - or at least my home :( Is it worse than any year in memory, by far (as I suspect) -- or is my memory getting bad and it's typical?

Question: anyone have any creative ideas in how to eliminate them???? The classic Argie swirls and citronella just aren't strong enough to keep them away.

I seem to be faced with a miserable choice between three options I don't like:

1. Those things you plug in and they let out a chemical into the air. These work -- but I'm just hippie enough to hate having these artificial chemicals in the air in my house constantly - who knows what cancer they cause

2. Those American-style electric light zappers that attract and then kill mosquitos as they fly into their death, unable to resist the charms of great light - these have made it to a argentina, albeit in weakened form. THe problem with these is (A.) all the ones here seem to be veeeery weak and barely effective and (B.) I am a light snob and I haaaate the type of light it emits

3. Get covered in mosquito bites

So far I'm opting for option three....

Any other creative solutions? And any insight into why it's so bad this year???

There was an article in la nación today about the mosquitoes. It's not normal and is basically due to rain from last week and some of the weird warm cold warm cycles we've been having.

As for what I do, windows shut, and I just hunt down the ones that make it inside with a can of raid. It's kept me from getting bitten in my house. If am doing long walks outside I'll spray myself with some OFF
Indeed. There is a mosquito invasion.

In my so many years in Palermo - I have NEVER ever seen so many mosquitos in my apartmnt like last night.
I used to dream of having a business installing window screens here. That is the best solution for the home though many locals swear that living in a cloud of Raid works best.
I used to dream of having a business installing window screens here. That is the best solution for the home though many locals swear that living in a cloud of Raid works best.

I've thought about importing and selling electronic bug zappers across Latin America
Best I can help you with is a mosquito net that hangs over the bed. I brought it from the US.

It worked perfect for me all summer.

I'll sell it to you for $30. That's what I paid with taxes and shipping.I only used it for 3 months. It's pretty much new.

I would take dollars or pesos.
I've thought about importing and selling electronic bug zappers across Latin America

It's a good idea.

If you search mercado libre for lampara matar insectos you will see that they are already available in Argentina. (covers 30 mtrs2) (covers 50 mtrs2)
I've had that same problem so many times...even if there's just one mosquito, it will bite all of us multiple times and keep us up all night with the incessant buzzing around your face (although you can never find it when you finally jump up and turn on the light).

I cannot believe it but I am a huge proponent of those Raid tablets. I'm organic on almost everything, but I got totally fed up with all of us being attacked on a regular basis. One morning, my son woke up with at least a dozen bites on his way that's a good thing. We've used the tablets in times of desperation for at least 15 years. The Raid ones kind of smell the worst, but I can't remember the name of the other brand right now.

My recommendation is that you buy one machine for each bedroom and plug it in as far away from your face as you can. Keep a door (or even a window, seriously!) cracked so you can get fresh air and always give that bugger a place to escape. They are miracle tablets although hopefully I won't drop dead from chemical exposure as soon as I finish typing these words...
Follow-up question:

These RAID liquid thingies you plug in and it repells mosquitos:

they're everywhere indoors in Arg - and the web site has no info, not even what the primary chemicals are. Does anyone know? I want to research to see how poisonous to humans they are......

Bobspuppynow, there's a rumor going around that you may know ;)


Ps - maybe Tree Picos has read this thread and decided he doesn't want to suffer from death by insanity brought on by a thousand mosquito bites so he chose against moving to Arg. Hehe ;)
