China Town Remodel Is Done

Last time my husband and I went (which isn't as often as we'd like), we were surprised to find they had turned it into a pedestrian/peatonal.
Got a parking ticket since we parked on one of the side streets - apparently you can't park on the curb within a certain distance from the train tracks. :p
These are the requirements to be a representative of the city of Buenos Aires:

Para ser Diputado se requiere:
1. Ser argentino nativo, por opción o naturalizado. En el último caso debe tener, como mínimo, cuatro años de ejercicio de la ciudadanía.
2. Ser natural o tener residencia en la Ciudad, inmediata a la elección, no inferior a los cuatro años.
3. Ser mayor de edad. Art. 70 de la Constitución de la Ciudad.