Christina Kirchners speech is a inspiration

gouchobob said:
Interesting, I'm called a thug dictator and fascist for suggesting that what's needed here is stronger democratic institutions, thought you could come up with at least one examples of how the people you admire have made things better.

Noone in Argentina admires Chile absoluetely noone . The country has been destroyed by an earthquake and the poor live in abject poverty . the elite of Santiago and Vina Del mar live very well thanks to the billions of dollars that they pocket from multinationals.

Argentina respect human rights and freedom of expression thats why all Chileans love Buenos Aires and hundreds of thousands live in Argentina . I know very few who would ever dream of living in Chile. Please....................
LOL.... Tell that to the Chileans...! They regard Argentina with bewilderment and pity. Argentines may not "admire" Chile, but they sure envy its stability and rationality, earthquakes notwithstanding. (Good word, that...!)

As to abject poverty - have you ever been to the Chaco bush? Or to the BA villa known as the Bajo de Flores? Have you seen the jobless people from the sprawling villa by the Buen Ayre access road squatting on piles of garbage while cars speed by?
cabrera said:
Noone in Argentina admires Chile absoluetely noone . The country has been destroyed by an earthquake and the poor live in abject poverty . the elite of Santiago and Vina Del mar live very well thanks to the billions of dollars that they pocket from multinationals.

Argentina respect human rights and freedom of expression thats why all Chileans love Buenos Aires and hundreds of thousands live in Argentina . I know very few who would ever dream of living in Chile. Please....................

While Argentina continues it's terminal decline, over the last 20 years Chile has done spectacularly well. Poverty is declining, economic growth consistent and continuing, corruption is down, democratic institutions are flourishing. What's needed is truthful reflection on the Argentine condition not mindless assertions that fly in the face of the facts.
SaraSara said:
LOL.... Tell that to the Chileans...! They regard Argentina with bewilderment and pity. Argentines may not "admire" Chile, but they sure envy its stability and rationality.

As to abject poverty - have you ever been to the Chaco bush? Or to the BA villa known as the Bajo de Flores? Have you seen the people from the sprawling villa by the Buen Ayre access road, squatting on piles of garbage and watching cars speed by?

Why do you not live in Chile since you admire it so much ? Instead of bloody whinging non stop about Argentina like some banshee go and live with the Shilenos......
cabrera said:
Why do you not live in Chile since you admire it so much ? Instead of bloody whinging non stop about Argentina like some banshee go and live with the Shilenos......

Sounds like you are running out of slogans. Time to memorize some fresh ones.

And in your spare time, go tour the Bajo de Flores. It's an eye-opener. That is, if you get out of it alive.
SaraSara said:
Sounds like you are running out of slogans. Time to memorize some fresh ones.

And in your spare time, go tour the Bajo de Flores. It's an eye-opener. That is, if you get out of it alive.

You call yourself argentinian huh but you have no loyalty for your country and absolutely no respect for the president. Chile is waiting for you with open arms CHAU CHAU;)
Talking of the newspaper (Martes 20 de Julio de 2010 09:08 )

Link: Piñera to pardon the military dictatorship

SANTIAGO, Chile .- The imminent pardon Sebastián Piñera Government evaluates grant human rights violators at the request of the Catholic Church, deepened the political differences in that country. "The President very successful set of criteria to make it effective," said Defense Minister Jaime Ravinet, giving a certain measure.

The initiative, unprecedented in democracy, prompting criticism from the United Nations and from all the opposition center-left, which has a majority in Congress, in addition to warning voices in the ruling. "The possibility of granting the benefit is being discussed in Chile", in fact denounced the UN High Commissioner for UN Human Rights Navi Pillay.
Thank you Lucas for the truth about Chile a coutry notorious through South America for its disrespect for human rights . This law passed by Pinera makes a mockery of people like Sara Sara and Gouchoooooooooo who are presenting Chile as a model of democracy.
cabrera said:
You call yourself argentinian huh but you have no loyalty for your country and absolutely no respect for the president. Chile is waiting for you with open arms CHAU CHAU;)

Sorry to disappoint you, but I have no intention of emigrating - I love Argentina but reserve my respect for those presidents worthy of it. Sadly, that is not the case with our current one.
Now going back to the topic´s title: "Christina Kirchners speech is a inspiration"

Her speeches are always an inspiration to never vote for any KKs again in any elections! Hopefully these KKs will keep all Argentine inspired enough to make a wiser choice next time...