Ciudadanía / Citizenship

My wife's official sentence document posted this morning. :) Mine should be days or weeks barring any unforeseen requests from the fiscal or court.


1º) Reconocer a la Sra. XXXXXXXXX, de condicion es personales relacionadas supra, como ciudadano naturalizado de la República Argentina, previo juramento de lealtad a la misma, su Constitución y sus leyes.

2º) Emplazar al solicitante para que proceda a su identificación como argentino naturalizado en el plazo de un año, a cuyo fin se extenderá Carta de Ciudadanía y fotocopia de la presente Resolución bajo apercibimiento de ley (art.35 de la Ley 17.671 modificada por las Leyes 20.974 y22.435).

3º) Ordenar las comunicaciones pertinentes a la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones, al Registro Nacional de las Personas y al Registro Nacionalde Electores y Cartas de Ciudadanía.

4º) Protocolícese y hágase saber.
I have a friend with a similar case to ours. He's a permanent resident address in Pilar. A daughter born in Argentina and recently married to an Argentine. It's taken me some time to figure out where he should go, confusing with CABA and Gran Buenos Aires and the whole province. Looks like it's Cámara Federal de Apelaciones de San Martín. Anyone know? can pass on this one. :) I'll call them next week to verify otherwise.
I have a friend with a similar case to ours. He's a permanent resident address in Pilar. A daughter born in Argentina and recently married to an Argentine. It's taken me some time to figure out where he should go, confusing with CABA and Gran Buenos Aires and the whole province. Looks like it's Cámara Federal de Apelaciones de San Martín. Anyone know? can pass on this one. :) I'll call them next week to verify otherwise.

Pilar belongs to the Federal Court of Campana. The Chamber is at San Martin.
Mini update. Called last week about my wife's case. They will call me when she can go into for the carta and oath. I will bring all of my daughter's documents that day to request the start of her case. (Get expediente case number)

My case. I'm apparently stuck in fiscal (prosecutor) purgatory. I'm about 4-5 weeks behind the pace of the cases that were further in the process prior to the January break. Granted, things were moving quickly leading into the vacation period. The fiscal had their cases 3 weeks at this stage...fiscal has had mine 8 weeks (not counting January). Another case, that I am watching is also stuck with the fiscal with the same last date of action as mine. Patience.
whats the time period from the time your baby was born till your wifes oath?
My daughter is 2 years 9 months. We received our residency when she was 9 months (but the tramite took only 3 1/2 hours total and had docs 3 weeks later). We took our relative time starting each process. Still quite quick by most standards to obtain citizenship (and cheaper). Anyone starting a family and looking to move Argentina should really consider the latter first. It was not our intent to have an "anchor baby" but it certainly made both permanent residency and citizenship far easier.

Plus the pregnancy of our second child in Argentina was less stressful and the care excellent when compared to the US (cost, stress, lack of attention).
Just got the call from the juzgado for my case. My file is finally back from prosecutor purgatory. They asked me to come in next week Monday to Wednesday to review for errors, etc (not stating there are actually any issues). I was assured "todo bien" So hopefully that is indeed the case.
I went to the juzgado today to review my case. I was presented with sentence authorizing my citizenship. I was asked to review thoroughly to correct any errors (my name, parents' names, state of birth, city of birth, date of birth). Found two minor errors for the state, but otherwise looked good. It will be signed by the judge within days. (So technically, it's not officially official). I'm glad I went today-the federal court is participating in the national paro tomorrow as well.

After reviewing the errors--the clerk walked me through the next steps. In April or early May, I will receive a call advising me when to come in for the oath...approx one week prior. I was given the schedule for the day. Arrive at 9am respectfully dressed, review all the documents again (was told to bring my patience), closer to midday go meet with the judge for the oath and that's when family should plan to arrive if they would like to witness. At that time, I may have a few minutes to chat with the judge. After the oath, return to the office to review things one last time and get the official copy of the carta de ciudadania. I was told that I can get additional copies, but the first copy is the best most official document that I will need for tramites. That's the one I need keep safe to avoid trying to obtain another at a later date.

I really appreciated the detailed walkthrough. I didn't request it--it was just part of this meeting. (My wife has not had a similar meeting for her case at this point).

The Oath. There are three to choose from. Two including God. 1. Very heavy on the God theme. 2. Less God (he said "más suave") 3. A secular option. No mention of god. I asked whether I need to memorize anything--he said the judge would simply read my oath and I will agree to it.

Beautiful. All going swimmingly to that point. After we were done I noted that I had a question with respect to my daughter who is not Argentine. I just wanted to confirm I would need the carta in hand before I could request her case number. He asked her age. I said 7. He said she has to wait until legal age. "mayoría de edad" or 18 years old. :( This is not what I have understood the case to be. I thanked him for all his help and let it go. No need to contradict and rock the boat at this point.

I will be looking into this again further. I really don't want to have us travelling with 3 of 4 of us with the Argentine passport if it can be resolved. And I alluded to previously--my daughter is the most "Argentine" of the family. Not that it has any legal bearing on anything.

So generally good news. To be continued.
He/she is wrong. You can apoly for opcion de nacionalidad for your children now, but you need a lawyer for sure.
Thanks for the reassurance. I've already reached out to the Colegio de Abogados in Cba to see whether they can provide a referral (and the Portal de Abogados online). We don't have any Bajo_cero2's up here. :( It would seem to be a pretty clear-cut case provided they know the case-law to cite.