Ciudadanía / Citizenship

He/she is wrong. You can apoly for opcion de nacionalidad for your children now, but you need a lawyer for sure.

Would that still be through the parents?

Because everywhere I read about this subject, it talks about hijos de argentinos nativos

El beneficio de la OPCIÓN por la nacionalidad argentina solo se confiere a favor de los hijos de ciudadanos “argentinos nativos” y “argentinos por opción” (Art.1, Ley 346 - Art. 2 Decreto 3213/84). En consecuencia, carecen de dicha posibilidad los hijos de argentinos por naturalización.

Los ciudadanos extranjeros pueden obtener la nacionalidad argentina de dos maneras diferentes: por "naturalización" o por "opción".

La "naturalización" de ciudadanos extranjeros es un proceso judicial que debe llevarse a cabo exclusivamente ante los tribunales federales argentinos. La "opción" por la nacionalidad argentina es un procedimiento que se substancia ante los oficiales consulares argentinos (si el recurrente se encuentra en el extranjero) o bien ante el Registro Nacional de las Personas (si se encuentra en el país).

Si el ciudadano extranjero que opta por la nacionalidad argentina es mayor de 18 años, le corresponde únicamente a él realizar la opción. Si es menor de 18 años, los titulares de la patria potestad serán los únicos habilitados a realizar la opción en su beneficio.

A diferencia del procedimiento de naturalización, la opción por la Nacionalidad Argentina requiere que la persona que va a optar (o por quien sus padres van a hacerlo) sea hija de padre o madre argentino/a nativo/a.

Thanks for the reassurance. I've already reached out to the Colegio de Abogados in Cba to see whether they can provide a referral (and the Portal de Abogados online). We don't have any Bajo_cero2's up here. :( It would seem to be a pretty clear-cut case provided they know the case-law to cite.

It would be prudent to hire a young lawyer there who works under the guidance of bajo cero 2. You pay both of them
Would that still be through the parents?

Because everywhere I read about this subject, it talks about hijos de argentinos nativos

Bajo has covered it a few times both here and other threads. It is a strange case (but presumably happens often). My understanding is that the Supreme Court has ruled that the law is not just (no es justo as it were) to exclude the children of naturalized parents. There are cases support it (but I don't have the details....yet).

What I have not been clear about is whether this is a "naturalization" or a "por opcion" or effectively a combination of both. Bajo had referred to the child also needing a carta de ciudadania via the court. So that's a naturalization process. Then doing it prior to coming of age where the parents act for the child is "por opcion"

I might try talking to the other juzgado at the next opportunity. The clerk there has been very supportive...maybe I can glean something there.
Bajo has covered it a few times both here and other threads. It is a strange case (but presumably happens often). My understanding is that the Supreme Court has ruled that the law is not just (no es justo as it were) to exclude the children of naturalized parents. There are cases support it (but I don't have the details....yet).

What I have not been clear about is whether this is a "naturalization" or a "por opcion" or effectively a combination of both. Bajo had referred to the child also needing a carta de ciudadania via the court. So that's a naturalization process. Then doing it prior to coming of age where the parents act for the child is "por opcion"

I might try talking to the other juzgado at the next opportunity. The clerk there has been very supportive...maybe I can glean something there.

It is an opcion de nacionalidad.

Its time to expand your horizon.

It would be prudent to have a apprentice in every major city of Arg. - For example, in Mendoza, Cordoba, Corrientes, Rosario etc.

You will never have the the time to travel to these cities. No harm in having some "passive" income while your apprentices do the real running around!
I do travel all around the country.
I have cases at San Martin, Campana, San Nicolas, Rosario, Parana, corrientes, Reconquista, Lomas de Zamora, Quilmes, La Plata, Gral Roca, Trelew, Mendoza, Salta and I had one in Zapala.