CK's tantrum in perspective


Mar 25, 2007

This article by Mariano Grondona from La Nacion analyzes the long history of anti-Americanism in Argentina, putting the latest K tantrum into perspective. He concludes by pointing out that the real losers are Argentines who do not benefit from foreign investment like Brazil, Chile. The writer makes the point that a favorable investment climate would help to reduce Argentina's shocking poverty. Such a policy is not CK's goal.
Is poverty in Chile and Brazil any less than in Argentina? More generally, does foreign investment ever ameliorate poverty? Maybe in China?
foreign investment might not solely ameliorate poverty but a generally favorable investment climate does.
It is Incredible that people continue reading that yellow press, La Nacion a declared anti Argentina tabloid by far, they are happy when Argentina go backwards, they don't want Argentina to progress or live harmoniously they just operate because here really are freedom of the press and in that they can spread their lies without been sent to prison.

Mariano Grondona, permit me to LOL!....ha ha ha ha, really people you don't have a clue what this personage represent, he his the face of pure evil Nazism here and has been for decades, collaboration with the military juntas and De-facto governments, he supported all of them and went against anything democratic and popular, a true liar and phony, of course USA supported and still support him, he is a good condom to be used when the occasion permits.

One of the worst characters this country ever know with the exception of Bernardo Neustand another specimen collaborative of the dictatorships in this country...thankfully now he is dead.

If one day we could get rid off of all these degenerates and yellow press, this country will raise instantaneously from decadence of corruption and lies.
Lucas said:
It is Incredible that people continue reading that yellow press, La Nacion a declared anti Argentina tabloid by far

La Nacion is yellow press? I think your definition of yellow press is really skewed.
igor said:
La Nacion is yellow press? I think your definition of yellow press is really skewed.

I don't think so, it fits exactly for what it is, has been, and will be apparently

Yellow journalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yellow journalism or the yellow press is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. By extension "Yellow Journalism" is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion.

It fits nicely with this newspaper (read yellowpress) as it does Clarin, Perfil and so on, all the same.
Hola Lucas,

I'm just interested to understand how you the K Gov supporters think.

Two questions to you:

1). If La Nacion says that the K Government is lying to the people by manipulating INDEC figures....what is your answer? Do we have 10% inflation or do we have %30? How would you answer this question to us the potential investors & entrepreneurs...& please don't go into how evil La nacion is...I just want to understand how on earth you can justify lying about it? Cause you obviously are.

2). How does the K Gov justify putting punitive taxes on basic technology products like computers? Why are they so keen in making sure that kids in this country don't get access to computers? And please DON'T give the latest election promises of 5 million netbooks...they promised this for a long time& nothing can this be good for the tech education of kids here?

3). It is the firm opinion of a significant proportion of the population here that the K gov suppresses it's political opponents by sending in 'Las Patotas' - (violent thugs that do the gov's dirty work) you deny this?

What happened to Mirtha Legran when she dared to criticize the K government? Why after criticizing the Ks was she suddenly the victim of a highly organized robbery at her high security premises?

Lucas said:
It is Incredible that people continue reading that yellow press, La Nacion a declared anti Argentina tabloid by far, they are happy when Argentina go backwards, they don't want Argentina to progress or live harmoniously they just operate because here really are freedom of the press and in that they can spread their lies without been sent to prison.

Mariano Grondona, permit me to LOL!....ha ha ha ha, really people you don't have a clue what this personage represent, he his the face of pure evil Nazism here and has been for decades, collaboration with the military juntas and De-facto governments, he supported all of them and went against anything democratic and popular, a true liar and phony, of course USA supported and still support him, he is a good condom to be used when the occasion permits.

One of the worst characters this country ever know with the exception of Bernardo Neustand another specimen collaborative of the dictatorships in this country...thankfully now he is dead.

If one day we could get rid off of all these degenerates and yellow press, this country will raise instantaneously from decadence of corruption and lies.
I'm 100% sure you read all that rubbish in La Nacion, Clarin or Perfil, all said I rest my case.
And just to be sure, what argentinean newspaper is not a yellow press to you?
igor said:
And just to be sure, what argentinean newspaper is not a yellow press to you?

Unfortunately Igor there are not many If I use the fingers of one hand probably are to many, fortunately there is a change slow but a change none less, remember this press is not state controlled (thanks for that) as it is in a police state it's private owned and looking after their interest exclusively and nor the country's unfortunately, this is not new that they operate this way it has been always like that, now they are making more noisy because they have been checked for the first time.

You see this is a bi-product of total domination of the media by oligopolistic corporations unchecked and run freely without control or balance and now what we got is all this rubbish circulating around and they are not country friendly either they push to continue the reign of the landlords and their interest not the country's, the country run in second place, before that is they supporters interest to attend, a shame really.

Why do you think the 'ley de medios audivisuales' was sanctioned, to correct this obscene imbalance