Constitution Neighborhood

I am beginning to see your points. Also, I will be at the river plate stadium for work 3 times a week in evening and it looks like an hour or more to get there from this location. This will be my biggest reason for not taking offer with aunt. Any locations you would recommend central with movement but a little closer to el monumental ?

Thanks for help
Stay at your aunt's, save the cash, never leave the house but in a radio taxi hired by you at all times. Also warn your family about the naked Travesti sex and drug trade in the area...!
Palermo is fairly central for everything and has a lot of bars restaurants and pubs. Belgrano is within walking distance of El Monumental (some parts anyway), is a bit quieter than Palermo, a bit more mature as a barrio with lots of cafes and restaurants but few bars. . Both are traditionally considered safe barrios but as Fifs said you can be robbed anywhere.
I am beginning to see your points. Also, I will be at the river plate stadium for work 3 times a week in evening and it looks like an hour or more to get there from this location. This will be my biggest reason for not taking offer with aunt. Any locations you would recommend central with movement but a little closer to el monumental ?

Thanks for help

I live near the river plate stadium. An hour is very optimistic. Very. I'd calculate 10 min walking to subway, 5 minutes on average waiting for subway to leave, 15 minutes to retiro, 5 minutes walking to the belgrano, 10 min wait for train, 25 minutes to Scal. Ortiz. 10-15 min walk to the stadium. Total: 1.5 hrs and thats the absolute fastest way to get there with out a taxi during traffic.
I think you'd also enjoy Recoleta. Very safe, lots of parks, playgrounds, and touristy stuff for the fam. You can easily get to Belgrano and most other barrios by subte bus or taxi. Best of all your wife and kids would feel quite safe walking around. It's got a very visible police presence because of how many tourists come and the cops here even speak English. Just say you have to stay where you want to stay because your business wants you there. Auntie will never know...
I live in Constitution. I'm about three blocks from your aunts place. I bought a huge 19th Cent. apt. here in 2008.
i'm very happy with the whole thing. From 2010 through 2012 I worked for an American Co. The last year & half I worked the night shift.
10pm to 5am. Coming home at five in the morning was challenging because it is still very dark & the streets are almost deserted.
One night three teens tried to rob me. As soon as I saw them I knew what was going to happen next, so I got my self ready.
To make a long story short. I didn't get robbed, but wound up with a torn shirt, which I still have.
I'm very happy living here. The area is undergoing a make over thanks to the Macri administration.
If you can afford it, go for the Palermo area. If not go for aunties place. Things are not as bad as people make it out to be.
That particular block has now a huge shopping center with six escalators. If you like, I can email you a picture of it, or email you a pix of your aunt's house.
On summer nights you see a lot of hookers & lots of transvestites. Constitution rhymes with ... the oldest profession.

Anyway, ...I'm a big fan of Charles Bukowski & Weegee. And if they were alive, I think they would be living in Constitution.
If you need to be a River Plate stadium then you want Belgrano, Northern Palermo Hollywood, Northern Palermo Soho, or Recoleta. Recoleta can be a serious hike to River Plate in rush hour. There are numerous apartments for rent in those areas. Just Google Apartment Rental Buenos Aires, pick the top 3 companies, and start looking at apartments. Or, go on AirBnB, Flipkey, HomeAway/VRBO. You can't go wrong with those three neighborhoods.
For your work and your family, i would look for a place in Belgrano, between Cabildo and Figueroa Alcorta, and between Dorrego and Monroe. That should give you plenty of options. Las Cañitas (between Luis Maria Campos and Libertador, and Dorrego and Zabala) is nice as well for a visiting family if you're renting an apartment!