Construction Noise ... Can I Complain?


Nov 20, 2011
I'm in Barrio Norte and a hi-rise is being built a few doors down.

They start hammering lightly at 6:30am, at 7:30am it's full on ... it's 9:30PM and they're still at it. Last night I heard soft hammering at 1am.

The way these men are working it's like the pyramids are being built for a Pharaoh.

Being a NYer I'm unfortunately accustomed to a lot of noise, but if I have to go through this 6 days a week for the next 6-10months I may seriously flip out.

Anyone know the laws about noise and construction?
Not really anything you can do AFAIK - people tend to be very laid back about it here. My advice - invest in some ear plugs, a "white noise" machine and some Ambien.
City Regulations allow construction noise from 10 am to 8 pm weekdays, one may denounce hammering to Police and request closing of works.

My doorman just mentioned that around Once they also stop 2 hours for siesta time...jajaaj
I read somewhere they are only allowed to work from 8am to 6pm. I'm in Palermo Hollywood and during those hours the noise on my block is unbearable.
Not really anything you can do AFAIK - people tend to be very laid back about it here. My advice - invest in some ear plugs, a "white noise" machine and some Ambien.
I wish! In my first trimester and really crying through this.
I think working (noisy) hours should start at 8am.
You are no longer able to report/complaint about this at the Police Station but must adress the issue to those neighborhood management offices. Police will simply ignore you.
What you can do is file a complaint with the Ministerio Publico Fiscal. Here is the webpage:


There seems to be an english section of that same site but it is not just a translation, it includes 5 offices where you can file the complaint in person (phone or online too, with guides in pdf). The one from palermo should be close to your home. My advice is.. print some flyers and put them on your building (or homes near you) saying that the construction on Street XXXX is working outside the legal hours doing too much noise.. and they should join your cause and call them to raise a complaint, it is just 5 minutes and they can do it anonymous. Sleep to the people!

If enough people calls, perhaps.. someone will look into it.

Good look
you are totall fooked- sorry, the same happened to me years ago, next to my planta baja. i hate to be a debbie downer, but i want to prepare you for the inevitable future: once the construction crew is, let's say 3 weeks past the deadline they randomly gave to the owners, the hours will go from 6 am to 2am.
Nightmare construction methods to blame.They pour the concrete,fill in with the blocks then spend the next five years belting the shit out of it at debilitating decibels so they can run the services through holes from floor to floor.Had it meself.Pity there aren't any chinese construction workers/methods here to accompany the minimarkets.