Clear and with all respect to the trial process, if you read the article Chinese are reporting clear indications of lowering the symptoms while the Japanese, who are producing are circumspect probably for a practical and responsible reasons, apart from whether the drug is having beneficial results.
Further China appears to be 'over the hump' with the coronavirus, from news reports.With Chinese returning to from other countries. Is Favipiravir responsible in some part? I'm sure Thailand which has a sophisticated medical capability isn't buying all they can get for spurious reasons.
I'm not trying to hype this, except to cut around the laborious and time laden testing requirements, to say this is the most positive report on a drug knocking down the virus I've seen. Gives hope, something to watch, and you'd think at this point with Argentina looking down the barrel, what would they have to lose to 'experiment' here.
Well noted the US and UK's working with the drug companies. A scandal in general roiling US politics. Don't know about UK.