Italy is most likely paying Cuba a hefty sum of money for these doctors. Cuba sends medical staff and other labor here in South America, Cuba gets the money the laborers get just enough to live on. A friend of ours here has a medical aid from Cube paid 15K or more to have to young man released from Cuba and get his residency here. He was in that boat a medical worker for Cubas money he got just enough to survive Cuba got the rest,
So while this may seem like a humanitarian act from Cuba I would have ask myself based what I have seen here, what is the real reason and what is Cuba getting for this.
Telesur is a Venezuelan propaganda media outlet in South America.
The doctors are a needed resource for sure. Shame on me sorry I do not believe anything Cuba says unless Italy says it is so. Until then I will go with what I know and have seen here in my own experience. If credible information states other wise I will gladly recant.
Die niederländische Regierung behauptete, es sei sinnvoll, wenn sich viele Menschen mit dem Virus anstecken. So entstehe "Herdenimmunität". Nach Kritik ist sie jetzt abgerückt von dem Prinzip.
(Article is in German, use the translator)
While we are sitting in quarantine,
The Netherlands takes a different approach to combating the corona crisis than most other European countries.
The government is banking on the idea of "group immunity", according to which it makes sense for as many young and healthy people as possible to become infected in order to provide a kind of immunity protection for the old and the previously ill.
The doctors are a needed resource for sure. Shame on me sorry I do not believe anything Cuba says unless Italy says it is so. Until then I will go with what I know and have seen here in my own experience. If credible information states other wise I will gladly recant.
With Trump and the GOP in power I would not expect help for anyone. Look how they have botched it so far I never would have never imagined such a pitiful response to such a crisis and yet this truth really does no surprise me.