Could be a bumpy night!

Thanks for the head's up. I heard something about this earlier today, but it looks like the storm is escalating. Hold on to your mate! (and seriously, unplug your computers to prevent them from frying)
Quick! take out the boat, the dingy, the inflatable, the raft or have the bathtub ready particularly if you are living near Juan B. Justo at Pacifico bridge or BlancoEncalada and Av Cabildo. :eek:


A bumpy and flooding night indeed...
yikes, we're in for it. Thanks for posting this, Lucas.
Don't want to rain on the party, but forewarned is forearmed so to speak.
The unofficial alternative to has posted a very severe weather warning for Monday evening.
Maybe The Mayans were right after all.
Yes,even the conservative Met office has come out with an informe especial.Extremely early for them,so that in itself says something. The strongest warnings come from a meteorologist in Brazil,who predicts a historic event.We are battening down the hatches of the boat and hope it does not come looking for us...;) Keep informed,as the whole situation is volatile and unstable and could therefore change in a very short period of time.
Aleina, could you provide a link for the Brazil met when you get a minute please?
Heavy thunderstorms and very hgh winds are predicted commencing around midnight.However,this is a very volatile weather sotuation so check up on weather conditions tonight, if you plan on being out.Happy holidays.
I just viewed the radar image in post #3.

The center of the storm cell (in red) passed here several l hours ago, just as it reached the coast.

There were high winds blowing the rain horizontally. As usual, I lost my DirecTV signal during the storm,but for the first time in 2.5 years I had no internet signal, either.

Instead of continuing out to sea it looks like it's following the coast line towards Capital Federal.

If it picks up additional strength and moisture as it travels along the coast it could be a memorable storm by the time it reaches the big city.Even if this one doesn't get there, conditions are ideal for storm cells that have yet to develop. Its partly sunny here now but more rain is forecast for later this evening.