credit money wedding situation

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If you have an iphone and a good computer you can sell that and get a ticket no problem I guess.
Iznogud said:
So, if you're just going there for a weekend and you have a steady income here and access to money once you get there, why can't you just ask for some cash in advance from your local employer here and secure the funds to pay him/her back the following week?

I totally agree. Your posts makes it sound like you have regular cash flow from your job. If you are as valuable as you think you are to your employer, just ask them for a short-term loan that can be subtracted from your next paycheck. I had tons of employees do that and I always agreed to do it.

Also, there ARE some high interest places out there that loan money out. I'm not sure all of the terms/conditions but I know they are out there because I've had employees that got them before and we got notices that we needed to garnish their wages because they didn't pay them back. I never dealt with that sort of thing as my HR department did but definitely they are out there.

However, it really sounds like you can't afford to take the trip. JMHO.
Hey guys.

Thanks for the replies.

I understand I won't get credit in Arg because I am working in negro. I said that in my post above.

I was also hoping of a less ghetto way to get the money, you know, not by selling my computer. My friend from the wedding suggested paypals bill me later. Any kind of credit system would work for me. Once I get to the states, Ill be able to get dollars so paying stuff back won't be a problem. I don't want to ask my boss, or anyone i work with for monay. Do you guys understand how favors work? I don't want to be on the opposite end of that $h!t. If you guys don't know or have no real suggestions, it is okay, I don't really need ghetto advice, I'm not so hopeless that I cant think of that on my own. I was just posting in case my young, ignorant a$$ has not heard of something cool that may be of use to me.
braytrain said:
Steve, I suggest you stop posting anywhere in my threads as I prefer people who are relevant, know what they are talking about, have experience, and not just talk out of their d!ck hole. You are not understanding my problem at all.

This trip has to be ¨super duper secret¨ and most of my friends and family can´t know about it. That´s why I can´t borrow from them, obviously then it would be easy. I don´t want to have to ask other people for money, if it comes to that, I will.

I have an american account I share with my brother and my dad. Can´t use it (even though my money is in there) because my bro will find out and get offended im going to the states without him.

And what made me figure I could get credit here, is because I´m a citizen here, and if I worked in blanco I could get a card here. I was just looking to see if anyone knew any borrowing systems, that´s it. wasn´t asking anyone for money here.

You´re kind of just some retarded old guy who thinks because he can try to be offensive online that he sounds witty. None of your posts are amusing in any way, to anyone really, except other retarded douches like yourself. I don´t go around making useless comments on threads that do not apply to me. That is because I am not a complete useless retard who is bitter about living in Argentina. Eat my balls.

Why are you posting this sort of thing to Steve? Read your posts. They come across as really strange. I don't care how naive you might be, it just comes across as strange for which Steve has every right to signal warning flags which I totally agree with.

People are giving you objective advice and you say it's "ghetto advice". Everything about your post screams red flag. Sorry but true.
Man, you start by saying " my stupid a$$ friend " think again who is a stupid a$$... you are not polite, unfriendly and act like a total douche. You have the super duper paycheck but can´t afford anything, stranded in a foreign country en negro, can´t ask for favors yet come here to get " suggestions " and criticize. Go back to your banana tree! And do yourself a favor, stop insulting long time posters. You are just an idiotic troll. Nexxxxxxxxxxt!
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