I don't know why people assume prostitutes are dangerous It's not the prostitutes in microcentro that make it a high risk zone at night. It's all the drug addicts taking paco that roam through the streets. I don't think anyone needs to worry about travestis either. I'm pretty sure they're not out to rob a tourist.
FYI, There was a murder in San Telmo this morning during a robbery attempt at La Brigada Restaurant. There is almost always a police officer at the door of this place when I've walked by since it is usually crawling with tourists.
FYI, There was a murder in San Telmo this morning during a robbery attempt at La Brigada Restaurant. There is almost always a police officer at the door of this place when I've walked by since it is usually crawling with tourists.
This sounds very strange. They attacked a restaurant at 7 AM...is it even open then? What were they expecting to find, as there wouldn't have been cash on hand, right? Why did the parking valet risk his life to defend an empty, closed restaurant?
If you go to a bar, like the one at Cordoba and San Martin or Carlos Pellegrini and a prostitutes come to your table and you reject her. Then you are in problems with the police.
This sounds very strange. They attacked a restaurant at 7 AM...is it even open then? What were they expecting to find, as there wouldn't have been cash on hand, right? Why did the parking valet risk his life to defend an empty, closed restaurant?
I have looked into La Brigada a couple of times- and it reminds me much more of a mob hangout on in Little Italy than a tourist restaurant- La Cabrera, now that is full of tourists- but La Brigada- I always see locals in there, wealthy locals.
I think this robbery is more like the Beastie Boys say- "somethings going on, and I'll probably never get it".
I have looked into La Brigada a couple of times- and it reminds me much more of a mob hangout on in Little Italy than a tourist restaurant- La Cabrera, now that is full of tourists- but La Brigada- I always see locals in there, wealthy locals.
I think this robbery is more like the Beastie Boys say- "somethings going on, and I'll probably never get it".