Crime Map

Gotta say, I think this is a really unhelpful, inaccurate and scaremongering "service" which helps the political career of Francisco de Narváez much more than the the public it presumes to serve.

This might claim to be made "by and for the people", but its paid for by an ambitious politico who campaigns on a vote winning platform of "security".

I can't see how this map helps anyone at all, unless scaring people is helpful. According to that map, avellanada, lanus, la boca are all trouble free paradises, whilst palermo is presumably the most dangerous place in all of Argentina.
jp said:
... According to that map, avellanada, lanus, la boca are all trouble free paradises, whilst palermo is presumably the most dangerous place in all of Argentina.

Well, I get a lot of pins on La Boca... but they take forever to download and you have to zoom in and pan a quite a bit. But another way to see it is that perhaps people in poorer neighborhoods dont have the time or ready access to the internet to post on that particular site, while ppl on more affluent or touristic neighborhoods do. Whichever the case, I think the viewer knows that site is a simple indicator (among many) and not a scientific source of crime data. :)
Also not sure how helpful it is to know that there were crimes submitted by the public between november and december 2008. I picked palermo randomly and checked some of the records - couldn't find a single one for 2009, and nearly all of the records are from a 3 month period - coinciding with the advertising drive at the time. Which sort of renders the exercise useless from a "for and by the people" perspective. If nobody has updated the site in over two years, its not really showing much beyond user submitted crime reports from a brief window in 2008. Makes for a lot of pins though, and looks flashy.

If this was done by different people for different reasons it could be a useful tool. Recorded Crime stats & surveyed crime stats do get published broken out by barrios sometimes, and its valuable information. But I can't see this as anything more than a reasonably well executed promotional tool.

BTW - no disrespect intended Nikad, I remember doing some research on this when if first came out two years ago, and was unimpressed back then - its just not what it presents itself as being. At best its unreliable and uninformative, at worst its a thoroughly insincere and cynical exercise in scaremongering to assist a political campaign.

Incidentally, Narváez beat Kirchner in the 2009 mid terms. This certainly didn't hurt his political career.
Is El Colorado wheeling out that old chestnut from the last mid term elections again for 2011 or did you only just stumble on it? I got bored with it eventually but there was some gold on there:

They sold me fake drugs

A knife wielding monkey is assaulting people and selling drugs, he is a known associate of the management of the zoological gardens and high ranking politicians

I was attacked by someone wielding a rubber penis and he stole my socks

Not to mention the litany of rapes, robberies and assaults that occur outside the houses of De Narvaez and Mauricio Macri, which leads one to wonder why the crimes they have been called before judges to answer for are not selectable from the drop down menu.

Probably more useful as a map of anxiety levels in Buenos Aires.
Moxon said:
I was attacked by someone wielding a rubber penis and he stole my socks

That was a serious incident, and I am still traumatised. I'd thank you not to make light of it.
jp said:
Incidentally, Narváez beat Kirchner in the 2009 mid terms. This certainly didn't hurt his political career.

Agreed, it was right in the middle of one of the worst inseguridad hysterias, remember the billboards with that escaping rascal having a giant map tac stuck in his hind-quarters by a giant justice-dispensing hand in the sky? Reports from provincia indicate he has done nothing on the very issue he so vocally ran on.
Actually reliable crime stats is something the government should produce if only to manage the deployment of their law enforcement resources. The crime map is a poor substitute for real stats but that all that exists. Instead of questioning the motives of the people that produce it you should be questioning why this government doesn't provide these stats. How can they possibly be serious about crime if they don't? I think anybody that makes political hay from this fact is well entitled to.
gouchobob said:
Actually reliable crime stats is something the government should produce if only to manage the deployment of their law enforcement resources. The crime map is a poor substitute for real stats but that all that exists. Instead of questioning the motives of the people that produce it you should be questioning why this government doesn't provide these stats. How can they possibly be serious about crime if they don't? I think anybody that makes political hay from this fact is well entitled to.

Yes, we would all like more detailed and more reliable statistics but that wasn't the topic and I don't see why it should preclude pointing out the dubious credibility of a cynical political exercise from two years ago.
Moxon said:
Yes, we would all like more detailed and more reliable statistics but that wasn't the topic and I don't see why it should preclude pointing out the dubious credibility of a cynical political exercise from two years ago.

I didn't make the political point, you did. I am only pointing out the inconsistency of your position. Your position seems to be to criticize one source (which may be suspect I really don't know or do you) while seemingly defending another which is totally indefensible, i.e. the total lack of stats from the government which in mind has the responsibility of providing same. I guess there is no crime in B.A. except to the opponents the current regime.