Pretty much everything he says is accurate in terms of the CFK government destroying democracy and crushing anyone who opposes them. Like any totalitarian government, CFK cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with her or saying anything against her. Anyone who disagrees with her is a liar, a criminal, or whatever lies she chooses to invent against them. As an Argentine, I am ashamed of what has happened, and that we have allowed it to happen. This man is correct, several hundred thousand people went into the streets all across the country to protest against CFK and her thug regime on Thursday Sept 13. I was at one of the protests with over 15,000 people. People were of all ages, mostly middle class working people and professional people who work and pay taxes. There were no political slogans, no signs for any political parties. But there were many signs demanding our freedom be returned to us, demanding the constitution be followed, and not changed, demanding security which we do not have, demanding the right to buy foreign currency to protect ourselves against inflation created by CFK mismanaging our economy through protectionism that rewards her cronies, demanding an end to the ultra corruption of CFK, a corruption that we have never seen, and we've seen a lot, and more.
So yes, this man is right, and many more like him who are honest and who stand up to CFK are now without work and are under direct attacks from CFK's thugs.
So my question is like some others I read here; how can Georgetown and Harvard give a forum to CFK so she can like and spread her propaganda of repression. My hope would be that the students are informed and allowed to ask any questions they want. And they should demand answers, not accept misdirection and lies. That would be my hope.