CUIT on a tourist visa


Mar 17, 2011
If I am able to get my hands on a CUIT on a tourist visa (which I am in the middle of attempting to do currently...I am living near Salta so they are not used to expats petitioning them and they are not as accustomed to saying no!)...if I am able to get the CUIT, and facturar with my job everyday/month for my hours I "legally employed" in the eyes of Renta? Or can they come and find me as a monotributista and tell me that I can´t have it under a tourist visa and still cause lots of hell for my employer?
Trying to protect both myself and my employer
thanks again everyone
i remember when surfing AFIP's website, that you need to give your DNI's number.
Roxana said:
i remember when surfing AFIP's website, that you need to give your DNI's number.

This is not always the case as we got our CUIT before our DNI, (actually we still don't have the DNI but whatever, that's a whole other story.). But we did have our residency papers in order.

Whether the OP will be legal, I don't know. I know there are others who have gotten CUITs under tourist visas and worked this way. I've never heard of anyone being bothered later on. Of course, things hear change and change often. So, I would say, go for it!
I got my CUIT on a tourist visa on the second attempt. That was back in 2004. No, it's not technically legal and you're not supposed to be able to do it but not everyone that worked there at the time knew that so I got it anyway.

Since then, my clave fiscal expired and they have refused to give me a new one without legal residence, even though my CUIT is still valid. They've wised up and it doesn't seem to be possible anymore. You do not need a DNI, but you do need documentation of your residency status.

To answer your question, when I was a monotributista with a tourist visa, no one cared. Once you get your CUIT, they're not going to call up migracions and check on your status. You don't even have to pay your taxes and they won't come get you. You'll just build up debt until they take away your monotributista status and you can't get more facturas.

As for your boss, he should get you a proper work visa otherwise I don't believe you are legally employed, even as monotributista. I don't know what the consequences are but probably little to none.
Excelent, thank you guys so much for your responses.
I think my last question would be, since AFIP is connected with the border/imigration, is it better to just run below the radar since if I register with AFIP they are going to be more attentive to my border crossings?

I am working on a legal work visa, but the amount of paper work that I have to get done first is incredible, so I am trying to find a way to not get caught and fired by renta while I we are working on the visa. I work in an area where renta just tends to drop by unanounced, and tries to nail all the empleados en negro.

Thanks again for everything!