Dating In Argentina / Dating Argentine Men

I still can't understand why anyone would admit in a new relationship that are a mujeriego. Not "I once had an affair", but an honest statement declaring themselves to be a serial cheater. Is it so that they girlfriend can't complain in the future if and when she catches him cheating on her?

Exactly what I was going to say to you, so she can't complain later. I'm not man and I've never met that particular man so I don't know what he's thinking obviously, but I've always taken what men say for face value. They usually aren't playing games (unless their histerico, never had to deal with that thank god), if they say they don't want a serious relationship, they don't, etc. If a guy openly admitted to me early on in seeing each other he can't keep it in his pants, I would believe him.
i love "open" relationships. Free for all. Do as u like!
Do the women here find Argentinian men good-looking as compared to the men of other nations?

This is what I experienced. There are too many good looking guys here, many of them are considered
losers by Argentinien women, because they(men) can not pull themselves together for many reasons.

These good looking guys will do very well in the EEUU, many American women would love to be abused
and taken advantage of by them, because they have not had such a good looking guy who wants to go out with them.
All they get is fat boring guys.

A foreign guy can do well here and I constantly have a chance to talk to the pretty women here, which I do not have
a chance in US.
That's one of the reasons I love this country, beautiful elegant (before you know them ) women. After you know them well,
they can be a pain in the butt, then you are thinking to find the next perfect one. I am sorry, this how men are made by God. We
are F*ed up. Many times, men can not control it, look at Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Arnold ..
When it comes to beautiful women, men do not think with their head. They are controlled by the chemicals in their testicles.
I am just putting it here for a laugh, pls do not be offended, if you are a real man.
This is what I experienced. There are too many good looking guys here, many of them are considered
losers by Argentinien women, because they(men) can not pull themselves together for many reasons.

These good looking guys will do very well in the EEUU, many American women would love to be abused
and taken advantage of by them, because they have not had such a good looking guy who wants to go out with them.
All they get is fat boring guys.

A foreign guy can do well here and I constantly have a chance to talk to the pretty women here, which I do not have
a chance in US.
That's one of the reasons I love this country, beautiful elegant (before you know them ) women. After you know them well,
they can be a pain in the butt, then you are thinking to find the next perfect one. I am sorry, this how men are made by God. We
are F*ed up. Many times, men can not control it, look at Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Arnold ..
When it comes to beautiful women, men do not think with their head. They are controlled by the chemicals in their testicles.
I am just putting it here for a laugh, pls do not be offended, if you are a real man.

I disagree. Let's see:
1. many AG men are good looking. check.
2. and so are many european, UK, N American men.
3. a great looking guy is cool but if he opens his mouth and you feel that your head is going to pieces - Apollo disappears and you only see an 'exit' sign over a nearest door instead
4. same goes for body language/showing affection, it's not a country dependent trait ;)
5. women don't like to be abused any more than guys do, it's also culture independent trait ;)
6. a foreign guy may do well here w certain type of Ag women looking for excitement or another passport or a translation help. of course. Unless it's true love ;)
7. u surely know the difference between beauty , be it Latin or any other beauty, and a "wow" factor? IE no linear correlation betw beauty and relationship status/longevity/frequency or success (Unless it's true love ;)

No offense taken, your is a silly comment, this - a silly responce; but if i may suggest: Get thyself to a specialist ;)