Dating In Argentina / Dating Argentine Men

Sorry, I meant so say that divorce is more prevalent everywhere in the world. Not just in Argentina.
I'm not talking about comparing your life partner to a pair of shoes. What I mean is that men's desire and need and motive for cheating is different than a woman's. I was comparing that "need" to a woman's desire to buy that gorgeous pair of Manolo Blahnik. In other words, a man desiring another woman or a one night stand possibly means nothing more to him than a woman's need for another pair of shoes or a purse. It's rather meaningless. The wife won't consider it to be insignificant, but one thing is a man having sex with another woman for pure desire and another thing is him having a extra marital affair and falling-in-love with another woman. I'm not condoning nor supporting that behavior. Is it fair to demand that your husband or boyfriend remain monogamous? Is it fair to ask her? I don't know, it all depends on the individual. I noticed that several people have posted they know of happy open relationship couples, but all happen to be homosexual.

Comparing your partner to an Old pair of shoes, is totally politically incorrect. However if we judge by the women in -Sex in the City- a new pair of Manolo's is far more important than an extra marital affair.

In the USA many careers have been frustrated by extramarital affairs, however Berlusconni, Hollande, and the Chinese men now in power seem to be accepted by society.
I'm an American man married to a Brazilian woman in Buenos Aires. This is what I've always heard about Argentine relationships:

1. Argentine men will be "friends" with you (another man) as long as they can get something from the relationship, ie business connections, money, status, etc.

2. Argentine men are relatively prehistoric when it comes to relationships and community. They think that by controlling the relationship they are showing their power.

3. Argentine women will not be "friends" with you (a man) as it is seen as a huge transgression against your wife or girlfriend by doing so.

4. Argentine women are incredibly insecure in a relationship. The man is always cheating or about to cheat. See #3.

Here is my actual experience:

1. Occasionally true, but mostly I've found Argentine men to be reliable friends, especially if you show that you are reliable as well. Interestingly, I've found that if you share some common interest like a particular sport or membership to the same club they will go out of their way to help you if possible.

2. Mostly true from what I have observed first-hand.

3. Definitely true.

4. Yes and No. The women in relationships with my Argentine friends do show that streak. However, before getting married I had a handful of open, casual relationships with beautiful and sophisticated Argentine women. They just wanted you to respect them in the relationship.

Just my .02 (which is now worth about 10 centavos)
I am curious to hear the opinion of women. For those of you who have experience with both, do you prefer Argentinian men or Brazilian men? (I'm neither, just curious). They seem very different.

*not expecting honest answers* :rolleyes:
I am curious to hear the opinion of women. For those of you who have experience with both, do you prefer Argentinian men or Brazilian men? (I'm neither, just curious). They seem very different.

*not expecting honest answers* :rolleyes:

Dated both, married an Argentinean. Culturally they are obviously very different and approached dating very differently as well.
The Brazilian I had dated was about flashing money and partying and my husband is/was very low key and into spending quality time with me.
I'm an American man married to a Brazilian woman in Buenos Aires. This is what I've always heard about Argentine relationships:

1. Argentine men will be "friends" with you (another man) as long as they can get something from the relationship, ie business connections, money, status, etc.

2. Argentine men are relatively prehistoric when it comes to relationships and community. They think that by controlling the relationship they are showing their power.

3. Argentine women will not be "friends" with you (a man) as it is seen as a huge transgression against your wife or girlfriend by doing so.

4. Argentine women are incredibly insecure in a relationship. The man is always cheating or about to cheat. See #3.

Here is my actual experience:

1. Occasionally true, but mostly I've found Argentine men to be reliable friends, especially if you show that you are reliable as well. Interestingly, I've found that if you share some common interest like a particular sport or membership to the same club they will go out of their way to help you if possible.

2. Mostly true from what I have observed first-hand.

3. Definitely true.

4. Yes and No. The women in relationships with my Argentine friends do show that streak. However, before getting married I had a handful of open, casual relationships with beautiful and sophisticated Argentine women. They just wanted you to respect them in the relationship.

Just my .02 (which is now worth about 10 centavos)

thank you for simply answering the question.
Do the women here find Argentinian men good-looking as compared to the men of other nations?
Its amazing when you meet a girl in a bar and she finds out your not Argentinean, she suddenly becomes a lot more interested. Not sure what says about the men here.

A few local girls I know here have given up on Argentinean men.