Decent Chili Bowl?

Here's a simple chile sauce recipe.

5-6 chilis.
3 medium sized tomatoes.
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
a dash of vinegar

Grab about 5-6 of the common chilis here: often called "putapario". It's a vulgar name, but that's what they call it. If you can find jalapeño, even better, but it's not as common.

Put the chiles in a frying pan, along with the onion, garlic and tomato.

Put it in the pan without and oil. You basically toast until the stuff gets burned a bit (this is the secret for authentic Mexican sauces). Once it's a bit charred, you can boil the ingredients for a little while, I dunno maybe 5 min? Drain most of the water, or boil off the water.

Add salt to taste, a bit of black pepper if you like, and a tiny tiny dash of vinegar.

Then you blend it all up in a blender (but don't forget to take off the stems from the chiles). Viola! You've got some decent spicy sauce. It's very easy to make! If you want it spicer, add more chiles.

Oh wait...I just realized you are talking about American chili, meaning beans and ground beef in tomato sauce. Can't help you there, buddy, never made the stuff! Sorry. I'll post this anyway in case anyone wants to make some spicy sauce.
Oh wait...I just realized you are talking about American chili, meaning beans and ground beef in tomato sauce. Can't help you there, buddy, never made the stuff! Sorry. I'll post this anyway in case anyone wants to make some spicy sauce.
Heh, yeah, sounds like something different for sure, but still interesting. Thanks for posting, maybe I'll try this sometime.

Edit - ah, my wife says this is something like chimichurri. I've had this before on asado.. or no? What do you do with this - eat it straight or use it like a salsa?
I would be happy to teach people how to make chile, but in order to make chile on your own you need to have chipotle chile powder or mexican chile powder, all the other stuff is easy to get. Can you get chile powders in barrio chino? Easy to make all meat, or all beans, or mixed ( which is what I prefer ).
Chili Recipe (Argentina Spices Conversion):

Soak 24 hours in 4 cups of room temp water and cover:
1 cup Frijoles Colorados or Frijoles Negros (red beans or black beans)

Chili Powder: (Mix all these together and set aside)
2 tablespoons Pimentón (Paprika)
2 teaspoons Orégano Deshidratado (Dried Oregano)
1 1/4 teaspoons Comino (Cumin)
1 1/4 teaspoons Ajo Polvo or Ajo Molido (Garlic Powder or Minced Garlic)
3/4 teaspoon Cebolla Polvo or Cebolla Molido (Onion Powder or Minced)

Normally, you’d also add Cayenne pepper, but it is really hard to find here.

Lightly brown the following in a sauce pot:
1/2 kilo Cuadril Molido or Corazón de Cuadril Molido (depending on how lean you want it)
1 Cebolla picada (Chopped Onion)
4 Dientes de Ajo Molido (cloves of garlic minced)

Add the Chili Powder mix above to the sauce pot and stir well to cover meat thoroughly.

Add the following to the pot and simmer for 10 minutes on medium high heat:
6 Tomates picados (chopped tomatoes)
1 Pimiento Verde picado (chopped green pepper)
1 box Puree de Tomate (Tomato sauce in a box you can find in any grocery store)
1 cup water

Lower heat and add the following to taste:
Sal (Salt)
Pimiento Picante (I buy the Sambal Oelek jars of pickled ground chili from Casa China. They have different heat levels, Hot-Medium-Mild, choose your level. Note, it is pickled in vinegar, but I like that zing with my heat. I get the hot level and add half the jar for extra hot.)
Jalapeño asado y picado (Roasted and chopped Jalapeño), if you like more of a kick

Add beans and simmer on low for 3 hours or more.

If you like your chili thick, add a teaspoon of Masa Harina de Maiz, stir, and wait for the consistency to set for 5 minutes before attempting to add another spoonful for more thickness, if necessary (Corn flour…but make sure it is finely ground or you’ll have grit in your spoonfuls. You can find it in many dieteticas.).

BTW, sub eggplant, finely chopped kale, butternut squash for meat if you want a nice hearty veggie chili
Oh wait...I just realized you are talking about American chili, meaning beans and ground beef in tomato sauce. Can't help you there, buddy, never made the stuff! Sorry. I'll post this anyway in case anyone wants to make some spicy sauce.

Beans in chili!? To many Texans, them's fightin' words.