Both Dems and Republicans are one and the same.
The 2 sides of the 1% struggling only for power.
No health care, no education, no drinking water, no jobs. If you don´t have $50,000US college tuition, you are desperately unemployable and the only freebie you will ever get is enlisting in the army to go kill other people. Forget any other crazy freebies. Bad for you. Good for good old corporate welfare. If you have $150,000,000,000US I guarantee you zero tax. To sweeten the deal I´ll even throw in tax-credits. You can leave your employees hang dry to collect food stamps. No kidding.
Concentration of wealth and inequality undermines the bottom masses´social mobility and hampers their skills development. That makes them less productive, which means lower wages, lower overall participation in the economy. Less pie for everyone, even the 1%. Hollow economy.
Henry Ford offered his workers high wages not out of any altruistic impulse but because he wanted them to buy his cars. That was capitalism then!
Wake me up 2025.