Far-Right Libertarian Wins Argentina’s Presidential Primary

Archived Version
NYT: "The incumbent center-left party has held power in Argentina for 16 of the past 20 years and has been controlled largely by former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner."

Why don't they say "FAR-LEFT party has held power for 16 of the past 20 years..."?
Why don't they say "FAR-LEFT party has held power for 16 of the past 20 years..."?

Maybe because Peronism can be anything, the only thing that matters is that it is Peronism? Menem was a Peronist, but I would not call Menemism far-left. Kirchnerism and Menemism are two completely different and incompatible political ideologies, yet they are also one and the same thing. Populism takes many forms. It has no substance. Let us hope that Kirchnerism is killed off for good. There better be no president Axel or Máximo.
I'm watching Patricia with Leuco. He asks: when are you all going to sit down together and work out what proposals you are going to offer at the election? Patricia begins mumbling: Well, tomorrow we are going to sit down for a coffee with Horacio, then there will be a photo, and then Wednesday, not tomorrow Wednesday but next Wednesday we are going to get our people together to bla bla bla.

These people (interviewer and interviewee) are in shock. Still. Forty-eight hours later. They didn't see this coming (god knows why not) and still don't get that it happened.

While they were playing around in the interna trying to kiss more babies and hug more old people than the other, and saying they needed to see on 10 December exactly what mess the previous government had left behind and bla bla bla, Milei was out there telling the whole country exactly what he was going to do, and when. And millions of people have already voted for it, half of whom voted for Juntos at the last election.

The small target strategy works fine when there is only one opposition. But here there are two. I don't really see where Juntos go from here, except backwards.
Maybe because Peronism can be anything, the only thing that matters is that it is Peronism? Menem was a Peronist, but I would not call Menemism far-left. Kirchnerism and Menemism are two completely different and incompatible political ideologies, yet they are also one and the same thing. Populism takes many forms. It has no substance. Let us hope that Kirchnerism is killed off for good. There better be no president Axel or Máximo.
Menem wasn't far left but the Kerchnerism IS.
There's something a bit creepy about Milei but if he is half as effective as Trump Argentina will be in a better place.
What about Cristina and Alberto? Do you find them creepy?
Anyway I don't think Trump is a factor or should even be mentioned in the Argentine context. Milei is libertarian leaning, more than Trump, and the situation in Argentina is not the same as the US political scene.
and nothing on the left can be far-left, even when it IS decidedly FAR-LEFT! Isn't this what is known as fake news?
It's funny that you believe this when there are literally communists who run against them. Peronism is a third way ideology that's closer to state capitalism and fascism more than anything else, Ks are just the less homophobic and antisemitic version of Peronism compared to Perón.

This scene from The Office sums up how I feel everytime I see someone call the Ks communists or far left or anything other than "progressive" peronism:

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