Diet: Living on beef and eggs

The whole "eggs are bad for you" thing has been debunked about 20 years and traced back to one lying profiteering scumbag scientist. Sound familiar climate billionaire Al Gore ?

If you have internal organ damage from too much glucose (sugar) and liver damage (fatty liver syndrome) eggs are the best thing to heal your body and there is no limit to their benefits. Every egg you eat and every day without sugar are combining to cure your obesity related sicknesses.
FYI: i always cook the meat and the eggs in beef fat (grasa de bovina) in a plancha de hierro de 27cm exactly like this:

...increasing evidence shows increasing cancer rates linked to the consumption of highly processed foods filled with added chemicals, preservatives, trans-fats, and sugars.
And many known "natural" carcenogens are known to exist in plants (including "organic vegetables" grown without pesticides) which many humans consume on a regular basis:

Dr. Anthony Chaffee has posted many videos on the subject of the carnivore diet. I suggest this video to watch/listen to first:

The words "plants are trying to kill you" will no doubt get the attention of anyone who consumes a lot of vegetables for their "health benefits" believing that they are a good (if not the best) source of nutrients for humans.
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This is a much shorter video than the previous one.

I often read the comments while
listening his YouTube videos.
Devil's advocate:

1. You need a will of steel ,,, superman ,,,
to sustain this for 30 or 50 or 90 years. I gave up in less than a year.
2. Carnivores are fed and grown on vegetable diet.
3. Modern pharmacology evolved from and is based on 1000's of years of vegetable spices and herbs.
4. Doctors are neither infallible nor magicians. You live with your own body for almost a century. In no way shape or form a doctor in 5 minutes will know you better than you know yourself. Especially in this day and age they're robots and hardly use their brains. ( you are in God's hands if you ever need one). Doctors are business people ,,, the bottom line is goal.
5. Personally for me since 30 years ago it was very easy to drop all the extreme excess carbs ,,, bread potato pasta pastry rice gaseosa ,,, etc ,,, easy never missed any of this stuff. I believe my moderate carb of spices and herbs green vegetables and fruits served me. I survived COVID without a single jab despite my extremely ruined low blood white cells count. Also I believe that fish fat is healthier than beef fat.
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Forgot to mention that most of my fish intake is UNCOOKED. Smoked. All nutrition preserved.
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And never ever ever fried.
Only eggs allowed to be fried. Nothing else.
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And never ever ever fried.
Only eggs allowed to be fried. Nothing else.
Unfortunately, I don't have access to any fish that I would be willing to eat, either raw or cooked.

I brown the roast beef on all sides and scramble the eggs after whisking them in a bowl with a little water (never milk), in the plancha de hierro with a significant amount of melted beef tallow.

The tallow used when cooking the eggs gets mixed in as I scramble them and I scrape the plancha with a spoon after the tallow has congealed after consuming the rare roast beef and then eat the "beef flavored" tallow, too.
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