Hey ya’ll! I just arrived back from the Wherever Bar. But wherever you all where, I do not know! : ) Anyway, I arrived late at 11:55 in taxi from Congreso. When I arrived, I made a beeline for the bartender and asked, “¿Sabés por dónde están los extranjeros? Hay un grupo grande, o sea, no sé si sería GRANDE, pero ¿sabés dónde están?…” And this is when he informed me that HUBO un grupo de extranjeros. SIGH. Another failed attempt on my part to hook up! But I had a beer anyway-though I forgot, argsteve, about the Otro Mundo until after I had ordered.
As Bill knows, we had our internet switched off and then rehooked up late today while I was gone – to Telecentro after Telefónica jacked up our rate, so I came home after my other commitment that ended at 10:30 to check the site for the place….and to drop off my 2 kilos of blueberries. (By the way, blueberries are 12 PESOS PER KILO at a verduraria right now at Corrientes 4500 block. I have never seen them that ridiculously cheap, and they freeze beautifully for blueberry muffins and cereal topping. I am not exactly sure if it is on that block or around the corner because my friend who lives there picks them up for me and I reimburse her. The blueberries don’t always come in, but if you are interested, send me a pm, and I can find out the exact address.)
And even with your great effort, Bill (I think that was you-but I don´t know because I STILL have not figured out how to check it!), I did not get the voicemail either with the info-I could have went straight there with my blueberries. Because lamentablemente and STUPIDLETABLEMENTE, I do not know how to check my voicemail! I never use it with folks, always texts.