Disputing Bills/Charges in Argentina


Jan 18, 2012
Has anyone had any luck disputing bills/charges on statements that they do not agree with in Argentina?

In the US, most companies, if you are a client in good standing, will usually give you the benefit of the doubt in most cases and remove questionable charges on the spot (within reason) just to keep you a happy customer.

In Europe (Spain at least), it depends on the company and reason why you are disputing.the charge, but they are usually pretty good about it too.

I just recieved a 900 peso mobile phone bill from Personal which I find highly questionable considering the fact that for 25 of the 30 days in that billing cycle I was in the States and had my phone totally off. I know in the 5 days I did use it, I did make a few calls but certainly not 900 pesos´worth---unless the hyper inflation has hit the mobile market?
Well, what kind of package/plan/prepaid options do you have with Personal? Is any of your usage itemised on the bill? In other words, what is it that they are alleging cost 900 pesos, precisely?
I have yet to see the itemized bill, but am itching to do so once I get back to BA this weekend, but whatever it says I KNOW I didnt do. I have Personal Black which is the standard 199 peso a month plan for smart phones, but my bill when used heavily in BA is around 300-400 pesos. When I was in the States in November and used it a few times, my bill was 600 pesos. In January, I had it turned off for almost the entire month and get a 900 peso bill.
Based on this plan, are variable (non-flat) charges likely to come from voice usage, or data? Is it possible you are getting hit with obscene overages on either one for exceeding some flat-rate cap?
To be honest with you, I dont know how I can get hit with ANY charges aside for my basic plan charge of 199 pesos, if the phone was literally shut off for most of the month, but I intend to find out. I´m dreading that based on the horrendeous customer service and ¨I dont care, that is your problem¨ attitude that is bred here, I will have to pay and call it a day.
You can try to contact the ombudsman of the city where you are living in Argentina. For instance, in Capital Federal you might call the phone number 147 and ask for the documentation you need to provide (photocopies of the bill, perhaps photocopies of your plane ticket, an explanation note, etc) and the number of copies (for the ombudsman, for Personal). Each CGP in Capital Federal has an office for this purpose. Good luck!
I would examine the itemised bill before drawing any conclusions, although I agree with you that there are probably shenanigans afoot.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but don't count on getting any type of help or satisfaction from any service company here. If you don't pay they will cut your service off and your name and DNI will end up on VERAZ, which is Argentinas version of a consumer credit report for bad debtors. I have never known of anyone here who has had luck disputing a service charge, actually when you try to turn services off, they keep charging you even though you try and try to turn off the service. For example, when I closed my business last year I tried to shut off the telephone line. First by phone they just make you wait and wait on hold then disconnect you. Then I called over and over and finally I spoke to someone who took my info and said they would send me an e-mail with an electronic form I had to fill out to cancel the service. I did all that and still kept getting bills every month. I went to one of their main offices and they wouldn't cancel the service because supposedly you have to bring the last 3 bills with you. I went back a few days later, sorry no system today. A week later I finally got it officially "dado de baja" however 3 months went by that I was billed almost $300 pesos for a commercial phone line for a business that no longer was in operation. Exasperating!
That's about what I'd expect. I'd just go prepago on everything and not worry about it.
looks like you asre being hit with data charges - even if you only switch on for 5 mins a day , these can be hefty'

the only good thing is that it will show up on the itemized bill