The comments on this string have been ridiculous, and makes me wonder if half the people posting have ever talked to an Argentine women ("they're taught not to put anything up there"??? where does that come from? oh sorry, it comes from someone who is desperate to leave town, that's right, that's why they are trashing on the Argentines)
Can I please stand up for Argentine women right now and say that just as many of them are savvy about their bodies as in the USA -- ie there's just as many IDIOTS if not more in the USA that don't know crap about feminine hygiene and/or contraceptive options!
Choices here are often made for economic reasons over comfort. Pads are cheaper than tampons here, but tampons are starting to grow in popularity. I can tell you that in just the few years I've been there the tampon market has already expanded and there's now both O.B. and another brand Days or something like that. And they are available at all Farmacity's all across town, so you dont even have to ask at your supermercado chino.
Tampons here do not come with applicators; applicators and all that packaging are just a bunch of waste and bad for the environment.
If you're a grown woman that's mature enough to move to Argentina, you should be savvy enough to get over the no applicator thing and get on with it. Is it really THAT hard to insert a tampon without a plastic missile delivery system? Please, it's not like you're try to get it to the moon.
Also regarding the bidet, get with the programme ladies -- who ever isn't using their bidet is being silly. For any of you that ever have bladder infection, hello, a bidet after sex is the best invention you'll ever encounter. Forget the hunt for the cranberry juice, you can just go into any bathroom in Argentina and PREVENT the problem in the first place.
And for guys, well, you can use it to cool down your pelotas in this 35 + degree weather! (I'd say "after an especially spicy vindaloo" but that's not going to happen in BA anyway, and that queja is for another time.)