In Italy we "only" give two kisses, but in reverse order than here, so during the first few days after I landed I kept kissing people on the mouth because we awkwardly met halfway: they were leaning toward me with their right cheek (Argie style) and I was leaning with my left cheek (Italian style).
Now I go along with the right cheek pretty well, unless once that the Argentinian friend wanted to surprise me by kissing Italian style, while I was already set to kiss the Argie style...
Anyway I am not okay with kissing so much and so many people. I don't even kiss my mum that much. I don't like kissing 90 year old people, I tried to talk them into it, to no avail.
And I don't like to kiss family or complete stranger. I don't even kiss babies.
Some times I can't wait to wash my face after being kissed by someone!