does such a place exist in buenos aires?

Maybe those same people who were making humorous comments don't agree with you that we are ruining the Earth and causing irreversible harm, at least climatically speaking (I refer to the reference to carbon and carbon credits, not polluting and so on).

Being on that side myself, I find I am the one often ridiculed, not with humor usually, but rather with ascerbic, biting hatred or at best a lecture as if I am their child.

Personally, I prefer the humorous route.

Funny enough, no one really seemed offended except for "devc" (well, and yourself, Elia), who obviously comes from the "human-caused global warming is a scientific fact and anyone who questions that is an asshole" side.

And funniest about this of all - the original poster himself seemed to be taking a piss at his cousin to begin with!

Take a chill pill Elia!
Just what I was about to say
My tree hugging, lets save the earth cousin is coming to Buenos Aires in a few weeks. I would love to throw him out on the street but he also has a credit card that could get him into any swanky hotel in town.
He has a list of needs of hotels.hostels so that he can feel all warm and fuzzy and believe he is saving the whales....

I'm all for the throw him on the street route if he wants to be truely green.:D
Thanks to everyone for all your postings, from the details to places where I can boot my cousin off to and also for sharing your insights on living a carbon neutral life. I will no doubt hear that from him so you have provided me with some great ideas!
EliA said:
I agree humor should be - though often isn't - an indispensable element of life.

However, I resent the mocking of someone who wants to find an earth-friendly place to stay. There are still too many people who don't think that human impact on the world is a real, scary, imminent threat, and that indifference/disbelief was the sort of tone I took away from the 'funny' replies.

The OP wasn't looking for an eco friendly place. He was looking for one for his cousin. And he was the one started with the mocking. The others just continued what he started.
So there...