Dog Transport APHIS Stamp (US)

Are you sure the cat can't travel with you? I believe they are allowed in the cabin, provided the carrier fits under the seat.

It is far better for the cat, and far better for your wallet, as they pay as an extra piece of luggage: only $100 or $200, depending on the airline.
Are you sure the cat can't travel with you? I believe they are allowed in the cabin, provided the carrier fits under the seat.

It is far better for the cat, and far better for your wallet, as they pay as an extra piece of luggage: only $100 or $200, depending on the airline.
Unfortunately, I can't bring the cat in the cabin from ZAR to Brazil and apparently clearance for an animal in Brazil is expensive. So they have to go through Europe.

I wonder if I can just book the cat in as checked luggage?
Unfortunately, I can't bring the cat in the cabin from ZAR to Brazil and apparently clearance for an animal in Brazil is expensive. So they have to go through Europe.

I wonder if I can just book the cat in as checked luggage?
We looked at bringing our Cocker Spaniel with us on holidays to Europe a few months back, at least with the airlines we looked at (AF, Iberia, KLM) there were strict weight limits to bring her in a pet transporter in the cabin, 8kg including the cage. Even at 10months old she had long since blown through the weight limit, so no go. It would have cost $400 per leg, if I remember correctly.

There are also restrictions on transporting pets as checked luggage, I don't know about cats, but Cocker Spaniels, for example, weren't allowed.

I haven't checked it out, but Copa was suggested to us as a more flexible alternative regarding weight limits. I imagine most, if not all, of the European airlines follow the same guidelines.
I wonder if I can just book the cat in as checked luggage?

My dogs traveled as checked luggage without any trouble. Just make sure not to give your cat any sleeping pills, and put a favorite pillow or blanket in the crate so there will be a familiar smell.