Dollars in Uruguay?


Aug 18, 2018
Is there any way to send dollars to yourself in Uruguay? I don't want to have to just use the ATM's because of daily limits, but to be able to send myself money in larger amounts and be able to pick it up in dollars. Is there a way to do this either with a cash purchase with card or with wire transfer? Can you send dollars to yourself with Western Union? Is there another service to do this either in Colonia or Montevdeo? I know Cambio Gales was recommended by some, however they no longer take any new clients without a personal introduction.
Is there any way to send dollars to yourself in Uruguay? I don't want to have to just use the ATM's because of daily limits, but to be able to send myself money in larger amounts and be able to pick it up in dollars. Is there a way to do this either with a cash purchase with card or with wire transfer? Can you send dollars to yourself with Western Union?
I don't know whether you can send dollars to yourself with WU because I've never tried it. But if you have a friend or family member who can send you the dollars, you can easily pick them up in Uruguay. I used to do this all the time during the last cepo. I would get someone to send me dollars to a Western Union in Uruguay, then I would hop over, pick them up and return in one day. The most I collected was about $3000 USD, but I'm sure you can pick up more.

One thing to note is that (in Colonia at least), the WU office would ask me to call a couple of days ahead to book the amount I would be picking up so they could make sure they had it available.
Use of Paypal during cepo cambiario in 2012...déjà vu.
7 Sept 2012
19 Sept 2012
If you have a DNI here you can send Bitcoin on and get pesos transferred to your bank account. A lot of them have a 20,000 pesos limit. You'll get the blue rate though.
If you have a DNI here you can send Bitcoin on and get pesos transferred to your bank account. A lot of them have a 20,000 pesos limit. You'll get the blue rate though.
Don't you lose money off each dollar when you buy Bitcoin? If so, it removes any benefit of the blue rate and you may even end up losing against the official rate.