Don't Learn From The Past? Future Repetition.

Peronism is where, by accident, the revolutionary left fell in the 60s. Peronism was in fact far from the left, but its prohibition by the militars during 20 years, made the left believe that it was its ally.

The cuban agents infiltrated peronism because they understood that this country is peronist.
Please read some books. Jofre wrote some good ones like fue Cuba.
Yofre? really? extreme right journalist who supported Videla and his crimes? really?
Perhaps Argentina should become part of the Eurozone so its political celebrity class and their attorneys can spend neoliberally generated monies without incurring themselves in any neoliberal production-enabling policy.

You see France and Holland redistributing wealth accumulated throughout 300 years of Capitalism; you don t quiet see Latvia or Bulgaria doing the same thing. Why should Argentina do like Holland instead of lie Chile, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Romania, the Ukraine?

Ah right the glorious past and the French pedigree I keep forgetting about.

Perhaps Argentina could join Uruguay as next members of the Nordic Union aand avoid the concept of competiton altogether? Too late the deal to sell Aerolineas to SAS was sunk in favor of Iberia and then the K'state.
As Fidel would say
"Vamos Bien!"
Cause that's what you say when no reassurance is needed.

@matias: what % of the World population would you say, before looking it up, lives in Argentina?
A fifth?
Perhaps Argentina should become part of the Eurozone so its political celebrity class and their attorneys can spend neoliberally generated monies without incurring themselves in any neoliberal production-enabling policy.

You see France and Holland redistributing wealth accumulated throughout 300 years of Capitalism; you don t quiet see Latvia or Bulgaria doing the same thing. Why should Argentina do like Holland instead of lie Chile, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Romania, the Ukraine?

Ah right the glorious past and the French pedigree I keep forgetting about.

Perhaps Argentina could join Uruguay as next members of the Nordic Union aand avoid the concept of competiton altogether? Too late the deal to sell Aerolineas to SAS was sunk in favor of Iberia and then the K'state.
As Fidel would say
"Vamos Bien!"
Cause that's what you say when no reassurance is needed.

@matias: what % of the World population would you say, before looking it up, lives in Argentina?
A fifth?

Argentina isnt a big or a small country. Id say is a medium country in size. But in todays world it seems the size is the most important thing, look at the BRICS, the size is the market, and in a world with developing internal markets, economies through their insides, the size is everything. Thats what the Ks tried to do these years in Argentina with (not) controlling immigration from neighbouring countries. They have this dream of becoming a great nation, but to do that in todays world, you need population. Brazil is 6 times bigger than we are. You can not be a powerfull house with a small or mid size market. Of course you can be conservative, close the borders and defend what you have, make your people live well, lets say like switzerland and their way they decide who has its nationality.