Don't Learn From The Past? Future Repetition.

If it's just about the market, why not work on making Mercosur a success instead of basically destroying it?
IMO Mercosur has grown a lot during the past years with Lula, Dilma and the Ks. A lot means a lot, and not only economically, but also politically, even culturally.
Brazil was the main market of Argentina industrial exports these years, its the most important partner of argentine economy.
thorsten. Now do you see what i mean or rather what Herminio Iglesias meant.Peronism is basically a feeling and many times an illogical and unfactual one.Just listen to 98000. A perfect operetta.
Until you wake up and realize unicorns don't exist - if the brainwashing is not too advanced and you are still able to think, which I'm not sure anymore...