Inflation is a recipe to create poor people. Anyone with basic knowledge of economics can tell you that. More importantly it's a formula to keep poor people poor and to make them dependent on government handouts. Middle class people and higher can find ways to protect themselves against inflation. Wealthy people who play their hand wisely are even able to profit from inflation. People who live paycheck to paycheck are very vulnerable, their paycheck normally doesn't keep up with the real inflation because governments tend to recognize a lower inflation than there really is, so not only are they chasing inflation, they are simply going to lose purchasing power. That's when welfare and aid from the government become a powerful political tool. History will tell you so. All the European countries that have suffered hyperinflation were driven to very high poverty levels. Latin America? just look around. One of the reasons Chile is so strong now is because for years they have been fiscally responsible and financially sound. Their population is just too small to be noticed much. Just check out their inflation over the last 20 years and you will see,
Some people see it the other way though, they think the government can activate the economy, spend money to create a larger economy. People who follow that school of thought as a genuine way to help out the poor and not as a political strategy are commendable, however they don't seem to see that taking it too far will only come back and bite those that are most vulnerable. You just can't solve poverty overnight and there has to be a way to keep those most vulnerable under some sort of protection while keeping a low public deficit with healthy government spending. Reaching that middle ground though, as with many other things in life is the hardest thing to do. People seem to want to go left or right, black or white, they seem to forget that there are so many shades of gray in between.