Yes (but it's not really detailed).
I checked 10" about this site:
-> Refers to the (billions price project/MIT). Wow!
-> This project includes two guys teaching at MIT: Roberto & Alberto
http://www.pricestat...s/meet-the-team (Wow again! But wait, Alberto has for last name "Cavallo"... Could it be he's related to Domingo Cavallo who was the most neoliberal Menemista?! MMMhhhhhh...)
-> The site includes a link to a commercial Web site -> (That's strange but maybe that's normal in a prestigious US University... But wait, if you click on the "Indices" menu, you'll see only the US + ARG indexes?! What a coincidence indeed).
I of course don't know the guy, but the data don't come from the best possible source I'm afraid. It wouldn't surprise me he's already seeing himself as the
Ministro de la Economia... like Daddy
PS: This Alberto is likely behind the site "inflacionverdadera" and I instinctively have a doubt when someone tells me here or in another country: "this is the Truth"