Don't Worry About Inflation

It is seen as culturally 'cool' to hate an 'Empresario'.

This may have a base on reality. The entrepreneur class is,as every in this country, very VERY corrupted. They are the ones who got most beneffits from the huge crisis this country had.... oh, wait.... if you think about it, we have these crisis on one side, and the fact that they got huge beneffits on the other.... why dont we just match these factors and think that they may have provocated those crisis?

As I said, they re not only corrupted and colaborated with the unconstitutionals governments that killed and dissapeared people, who violated human rights, simply, they were the people for whom every UNCONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT GOVERNED FOR. They put the militars there. They bombed Plaza de Mayo. They repressed, killed, dissapeared, robbed babies, all this huge violence the militars generated, prohibiting a party (the most popular party, the one that would surely won if you had had elections) repressing, etc, it had a target population, it was for somebody, it was for this people to make their fortunes.
These enterprizes took debt unstoppably, IN DOLLARS, during the dictatorship, to lately transferred it (the entire debt of these enterprizes in dollars, that magically multiplied the coutrys debt for six) to the State - to all of us.
They are corrupted evading taxes, creating empresas fantasma in uruguay, getting the money out of this country every ten years. They speculate against the country, they dont invest here, they take the money out to Switzerland, they dont believe in the country that they make in every decission. How can that help?

So, the result is that we have corruption everywhere if you go up in the social scale, you will find people who dislike the State and its taxes cause they know very well that that money will be robbed. So they avoid taxes, and become as corrupted as the ones that put limits to them -the State.

The bottom line is that when a society like the argentine colapse the way it did several times, the risponsabilities are directly proportional to the weight actors have in the scenario. And someone who has that money, that power to influence in so many areas, politically, economically, even culturally, cant have the same responsibility of a cartonero or a verdulero. They have the same responsibility than politicians, cause they both, the political class and the economical class, govern this country.
yes as I said you will always have private investors related to every government. If not its pure State like socialism, which its not. But this Ks government decided to fight against a lot of important political and economic actors at the same time. Its not only Clarin who they are fighting with, there are lots of enemies aligned behind Clarins back.
In one stroke of the brush, the photo of Nestor & his cohort Testaferro 'front' is very deceivingly dismissed as the "private investor & the the president" ...when most of the country knows too well that Lazaro Baez & Nestor Kirchner are one & the same..Baez was never an 'Entrepeneur'..and instead a bank employee who got promoted to testaferro status by the mafia boss. "Private Investor"???? ... Baez is the store house for all the loot $tolen by the Ks.
In reality, his was a bourgeois family that had fallen on hard times, and he resented those who had been more successful even as he aspired to show them up.

I dont think of him as a resented. people who knew him said he was an excellent person, plenty of charisma. He was more upper middle class, and had that political view of an upper middle class boy, these very well educated, sophisticated people that understand the world and its injustices. He was adventurous, and that made him think of unequalities, by traveling, he travelled around the continent and could not stand inequalities.
He was a revolutionary.
In one brush stroke, the image of Nestor & his cohort Testaferro 'front' is dismissed as "private investor & the the president" ...when most of the country knows too well that Lazaro Baez was never an 'Entrepeneur'... Here the testaferro is very deceivingly described as the "Private Investor" when it is blatantly well known in ARgetina that BAez IS NESTOR & Cristina. BAez is the front, the store house of all the stolen loot.

Put the word you like the most. What I meant is that every government had and will have "amigos empresarios, que reciben favores empresariales"
This may have a base on reality. [background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]The entrepreneur class is,as every in this country, very [/background]VERY[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)] corrupted.[/background]
Especially those "amigo empresarios" or "private investor" friends of the president.

Who's reality? Yours?
The reality of the people who know a little about history.
Who's version of "History" are you referring to? 'LA Decada Ganada history' version? I know you say you're not pro K but unwittingly you seem very sympathetic to most of their politics & views.
Who's version of "History" are you referring to? 'LA Decada Ganada history' version? I know you say you're not pro K but unwittingly you seem very sympathetic to most of their politics & views.

I studied the history of the debt before the Ks existed.